good community bottom feeders?


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
8) I need help on picking out a good bottom feeder for my 10 gallon tank i would also like them to be a community fish and not too worrysome over salt in the water like cory cats so any sugestions would be helpful.
thanks B)
Hey there! It's kind of difficult shopping for a bottom feeder when you have a 10 gallon(since plecos grow large(up to 20in) and same with chinese algae eaters(8in)). Corydors(i know you didnt want them) only grow to about 3 inches, and they AREN'T that sensitve to salt as some say(check the post i added about fish sensitive to salt). I add light amounts of salt to my tank all the time and my 2 cories have no problem with it. Check out your lfs for bottom feeders and try not to buy one any larger than 3in. The recommended room for fish is 1inch per fish per gallon.

hope you find a good one! :)
Thanks for replying to my question im thinking im going to get a cory but then also just add small amounts of salt like you do and also get one smaller than 3" like you sugested cuz of my small aquarium.

And while were talking about cories i guess ill ask more question what is there favoite sinking food to eat i know they like to eat what is left from the rest of the fish that falls to the bottom but i heard they starve if they dont get there own sinking food is this true? :sly: :huh:
Hi again keeper-of-fish!

I'd recommend corys as they don't grow very big and are fun to watch. I love catfish and I have 5 corys (1 albino, 2 peppered and 2 black top), I feed mine with catfish pellets (speciallly for them) and they do a good job of getting them before my greedy clown loaches do!

Also, as a side note... I put salt in with my corys and they are fine. I was worried so I just put in a half dose (medicinal, so regular amounts with water changes should be fine) in and they are ok.
thanx for responding to me twice fish freind cory sound more and more tempting for my aquarium. what are clown loaches like how do they resemble the cory?I know they are bolth bottom feeder but what are like water conditions and what not for the clowns? :p :D
To answer your first question, I feed my cories good brand foods so they get good quality. They get fed Wardley Algae discs and Wardley brine shrimp pellets. Bare in mind you'll find your other fish with love these food too(my barbs and guppies adore them!) , but that wont be a problem. You'd think my cories would starve since my my other fish eat the majority of the food, but there's so many small crumbs that come off that is perfect for my little cories to eat. You'll be surprised what they can can get inbetween the pebbles. The below link takes you to both of the foods i mentioned just so you'll see the product and description.

To answer your clown loach ques, these fish would get too big for your 10 gallon sorry to say. I actually just got back from seeing my friends clown loach that she has in her 50 gallon. Its about 6 inches now , BUT they can get up to 12 inches plus i heard they're better in pairs(my friend did have another but it died). Besides that i've never owned one so i dont know too much about them. Here's a link on them also:

Hope i gave you some info and keep the questions rolling :D
Yhea the info is helping me out alot thanks i never relized corys would grow i thought theyd be like a smaller species like some of the cories.
keeper-of-fish said:
Yhea the info is helping me out alot thanks i never relized corys would grow i thought theyd be like a smaller species like some of the cories.
Ofcourse cories will grow, but only to about 3inches which makes them sooo much cuter! :wub: You seem like your getting the clown loach mixed up with it :/, no?
keeper-of-fish said:
Yhea the info is helping me out alot thanks i never relized corys would grow i thought theyd be like a smaller species like some of the cories.

A clown loach is not a catfish, they are botia - Botia macracanthus . Corys stay relativley small, although Black Top corys - Corydoras acutus - can get a bit bigger. Clown loaches can grow pretty big and as snowyangel said they are better in pairs, although this is not always the case.

You should look at - they are a great source for all things catfish. If you look in their Cat-eLog you will be able to find information and pictures of different corydoras.

I love catfish! :wub:

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