Good, Cheap, Small Tanks

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
I'm looking to get another betta - but to be by his/her self.
Can anyone tell me where I can get a good quality, cheap 2-5 gallon tank from in the UK - all the ones i've seen are like 70 pound!
I only really want to pay 10-20.

That was so amusing. Ah, the cultural gap.

Looks like a pretty good deal! I wish I could find one of those in the US. I have no idea how pounds translate into dollars, but from what I've seen price-wise of UK products, that's a decent deal.

If you're not worried about seeing the fish 100% clearly, you can always use storage bins. But I guess that sortof defeats the point of having a showy-looking fish. Heh.

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