good breeder stock!


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: i am so excited! i have found a local breeder around here (about 10 mins drive away from my house) who promise that he can bring me some good quality bettas, ranging from crowntails to halfmoons to anything!

i'm super excited becuase i'd really love a nice pair of halfmoons to breed :/ but then another probelm corsses my brain as to who i can sell the fry to, i certainly wouldnt' want to sell them to petstores :crazy: they deserve better tahn that.

Woudl anyone on tff be interested in them? I know lik e80% of you guys are from t he states, does anyone know anything abotu shipping from canada to the states?
i also have some of my fry right now which will be ready to go into new homes in abotu a month :sad: but that's later!

i'll only breed if i know there are enough people/stores that i can give the fry too -_- last thing i want is breeding lovely crowntails abut nobody wants them :crazy:
yeah which is why i'd be erally happy if i could find homes for them to ppl around here on tff :D
you can put a stock shop on bidafish to help sell some you put a set price for them and list shipping to canada only if you want. click on my seller store, I have 1 thing in it now LOL. I hope that helps
What part of Canada are you from?? Im from down south... NS. I want to get a crowntail soon but the only place I can find them sell the ct's for $13.... I bet shipping would be a lil less than that?
i live in ontario, near toronto. I have yet to check out shipping and how much it would cost so i'll have to get back to you on that.

Rolln that would be great, forgot about bidafish :p i'll defintiely put some ofthe fishies up there, also maybe some of my live foods later on :)
well i have heard it is extemely difficult to ship out of Canada but if I were you get some good quality betta and do some aquabiding !!
arent' most aquabidders in the states also? i thik the fish would have a hard time corssing the borders due to customs.
Congrats for finding a local breeder! :hyper:

I think for Canadians to ship fish to the States, there is a $50 border inspection fee for each fish shipped across. :/
can i shipo them and not label is as live fish adn just put them in a box and hand it to my express courier? :p
:crazy: -_- I would hate to think of what kind of condition the fish would be in when he arrived at his new home.

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