good bacteria where does it come from


Fish Crazy
Apr 9, 2004
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I am ready to do a fishless cycle but everyone is saying i have so add a source of good bacteria.

My question is why?

Ive done fish cycles before and never added a source of bacteria. So where does it come from?

What is the difference?
The bacteria is already in the water, what we often suggest is to get a seed colony froman established tank. this can be filter material, gravel, plants and ornaments that come from a cycled well established tank. This just speeds up the cycling process and is not absolutely required, so its up to you if you wish to employ this strategy. But who likes to look at an empty or near empty tank any longer than necessary. HTH :)
Its not that the good bacteria is already in there, its more like the bad bacteria breaks down and produces the other different kinds of bacteria from water conditions and from the break down of the ammonia, and nitrites. And it is a long chain and different bacteria produces from the break down off everything.

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