Good amount of Corys for 30 gallon?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I'm new to corys I've been reading about them and know they produce little waste and the 2 types I have only get about 2 inches. I just bought 3 peppered corys today :wub: and already have 3 albino corys :wub: in my 30 gallon is that a good amount to have?

I also have 6 male guppies in the same tank:)
That sounds fine to me. I have 3 pepper coreys in a 10 gallon with 8 male guppies, they're all thriving just fine. I also have 4 coreys in my 29 gallon, along with guppy females, tetras and ottos. They are thriving there too. They do love schooling, so 6 of them is a nice number. They can dart around and then go grazing along the tank bottom together. They're such cute fish! :wub:

Actually my pepper females(3 of them) are well over 2 inches, closer to four. Don't ask me why they're such big mommas. But they're so danged cute! I love their little whiskers and how they sit on their shrimp pellets so the guppies can't eat them! :D
I was just reading up on pepper corys and I guess they grow up to 4 inches not 2 like my lfs said!! I wonder how fast they grow? I'm looking it up now myself on google:)

SnowyzMom - don't ya just love them? this is the first time I have ever owned corys and I just love them already :wub: They are so adorable to watch :)

If you have 3 pepper corys in a 10 gallon with 8 male guppies then I should be fine:) I'd love to put some in my 26 gallon but I think I am pretty full already. My pleco just poops all day long!! I vacced all the poop up today and in a matter of a couple hours it seemed all of it was back :S If I didn't have the pleco I'd add some corys to that tank too.

I have a 14 gallon fry tank..I was thinking of getting some pygmy corys for it since they are so nice and small :nod:
Yes, I adore coreys. They are such characters, so unlike other fish in character, and surprisingly'd think they're like small rather dumb cows until you watch them. Mine constantly outsmart the guppies for food. One guppy female got so frustrated that Dolores(my biggest corey female) was sitting on top of a lovely big shrimp pellet and blocking her from scarfing it, that she rammed her quite hard with her nose on her flank. It was more like a punch than a push believe me. Dolores, built like a tank, was well aware of it but didn't budge an inch. :lol: Guppy frustrations! :lol: My pepper coreys have developed this lovely metallic green sheen all along their bodies. Just beautiful. I hope yours do too.

p.s. I am so verrrry glad I don't have big poopers for fish. :p Goldfish are notorious for that as well, though I occasionally see a cute goldfish and am tempted to buy one anyways(the gold ones with sooty black fins). My niece had a fake piranhah, yes I forget the official name right now :X , they grow to 35 pounds :crazy: . That blighter would do one bowel movement and foul her entire 50 gallon tank. It would instantly need cleaning again. I guess some fish need heavy duty filtration systems, like goldfish and plecos. (um don't some plecos grow rather LARGE? Hope you have enough tank for him.) Yes, my niece sold him (Pacu! That's the name!!!! :hyper: ) when he had trouble turning around in the tank to a guy with much bigger tanks. He was supposed to be vegetarian but he inhaled several of her smaller fish. :X (the Pacu did, not the guy she sold him to! :rofl: )
I have 11 in my 30 but could easily do 15 of them. So long as you have enough hiding spots (caves, thick plant bunches, etc.) they'll do fine.
SnowyzMom - Yes they are adorable fish :wub: I'm so glad I decided to buy some!! Right now my guppies are the bosses of the tank but that is only because the corys are only about an inch..I'm sure when they get bigger they will take over :lol: Yeah I noticed the albinos and the peppers have this beautiful opaly shine on them..I love it!!! :D

I just read an article about how 1 goldfish produces the same amount of waste as 20 neon tetras!! I think golsfish are adorable especially the red cap orandas :*)

My pleco is a bristlenose and he's about 3.5-4 inches right now and that's as big as he'll grow so I don't have to worry about having a huge monster on my hands like ones that grow a foot or so.

Oh my your neices fake piranhah sounds like a nightmare!! I used to have a turtle and it was the same way. The tank was disgusting it smelled so bad :sick:
Teelie what other type of fish do you have in the tank with the corys? I'd love to get somemore but I'm not sure if I have enough room since I have guppies in there as well.

I have pieces of wood that I've made into caves and a lot of low plants that make shade as I know corys don't like a lot of light :)
At the moment only a male crowntail Betta and a lot of snails but nextweekend I'll be adding 5 Black Neon Tetras. They should go fine with Guppies, they probably won't even eat the fry.
I want to keep a pair of angel fish in a 33 gallon. Can I keep 5 or 6 albino cories there?

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