good algae eaters...


New Member
Jun 17, 2004
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I hope this is the right place to ask my question.
I have a tank with a pair of angels in it and i don't know how to control the algae. Algae just loves to grow all over the tank walls, tubes, rocks, and fake plants. We used to have a nice pleco that took care of that but unfortunatly it went :byebye: , and right after that algae started coming back and the angels which would spawn onto the wall or tubes couldn't breed anymore, and well this sounds weird but they went mad... :/

The two angels (who were literaly angels before) started trying to pick off the algae and then wen they couldn't spawn anymore, the male angel started bullying the female which i started noticing after the algae started coming back.

Yeah so enough for the dumb story, is there a good algae eater that would get along with the angels (hopefully not eat their spawn) and could help with maintaining algae growth in the tank?
Should i mayb get another pleco? (wat type?)
50 US gal, i believe the heater is set the about 80 F, pH is slightly-acidic, dunno the dimensions but its a rather long tank

Any other suggestions would be good, but nobody really has time to clean the mess of algae weekly, and i'm not sure about using those "algae killer" products (any info?).

yeah thanx for any help and also for reading this horrible essay... :whistle:
I have to agree with Dwarfs, bristlenose plecos are excellent cleaners. Another good pleco if the clown pleco, but you will never see him. My peppermint is awfully pretty, but doesn't do a lot. :wub:
I have 3 bristlenose in one tank and only one in the other tank. It is interesting to observe that the lone bristlenose is very hard to see during the day while the trio are always visible. Could these plecos also feel more comfortable when there are more them present within the same tank? :huh:
try oto's or ammano shrimp for the algae ( depending on what algae you got)

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