Good Algae Eater?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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What kind of common algae eating fish is good for a 25 gallon tank with 5 med z danios, 5 dwarf aussie rainbowfish, 4 dwarf loachs, and 5 neons?
What kind of common algae eating fish is good for a 25 gallon tank with 5 med z danios, 5 dwarf aussie rainbowfish, 4 dwarf loachs, and 5 neons?

probably ottos, but the answer at least partially depends on what type of algae you want eaten.
well sometimes they don't like the brown algae. But a brush will clean it up just fine. I have the best luck with CAE's and they just keep going.
Ok 1rst are CAE's Chinese algae eaters? 2nd they had those at the store but they where big and I want somthing small to watch it grow. I'm starting to like oto's, also how many should be together?, cause I want to get 2. But I picked up 6 good looking neons for now. Petco actually seem to know what they where doing unlike my local one. The lady I talk to was nice and (I ask for 5 and she gave me 6) and knew what she was doing. Unforchantly she did not tie the bag right so some air came out, but other then that my neons are adapting right now and doing great.
DO NOT get CAE, they go off algae as they get older but they can also get aggresive & territorial. Get SAE (siamese) they will serve you better.

I have 5 otto's together, i think you need 4+
I have 1 Otto in a 45ltr tank and he's rarely to be seen, I'm going to move him to a bigger tank and get him some friends. I also have 2 in a 75ltr tank and they are always out and about eating and playing the tank is algae clear apart from a little brush or beard algae which I bought 2 SAE to eat - though they haven't started on it yet. Don't get the CAE or sucking loach as it was sold to me as all it does is suck the gravel and act aggressively towards the fast moving fish.

I'd say that you should have 2+ depending upon the size of tank and the amount of algae that it produces.
Ya I'm going to see today if I can go to another store today and I'll probably look for 2 otto's. BTW I've started to think about having shrimp but the only freshwater crestacean that I've had b4 was a thresher crab the ones with the big claw. But my local petstores seem to only sell bamboo shrimp and I do not have room for bamboo in my tank so any other common species to look for a begginer while I'm out? Again I have a 30 gallon I looked and it seems I got giant danios instead , dwarf rainbow fish, neon tet's, and some loach's, so would a shrimp probably get eaten or would it be fine? Also my tank has bits of algae mostly on the glass while I want somthing that will get it off some of the pebbles.
Ya I'm going to see today if I can go to another store today and I'll probably look for 2 otto's. BTW I've started to think about having shrimp but the only freshwater crestacean that I've had b4 was a thresher crab the ones with the big claw. But my local petstores seem to only sell bamboo shrimp and I do not have room for bamboo in my tank so any other common species to look for a begginer while I'm out? Again I have a 30 gallon I looked and it seems I got giant danios instead , dwarf rainbow fish, neon tet's, and some loach's, so would a shrimp probably get eaten or would it be fine? Also my tank has bits of algae mostly on the glass while I want somthing that will get it off some of the pebbles.

Loaches eat shrimp, shriimp are fine with any fish that isn't nippy or that will fit down a throat.
There is Red cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, bumblebee...

i have just ordered RCS & otto's from HERE

you can also get them from Aqua essentials.

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