Gone From Fake Plants To Real In My New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
north somerset
i have a 95 litre tank and ive always had fake plants in my tanks and then one day i decided to change that. i have java fern and some fountin plant i thin its called. i brought them all of ebay. tank looks alot better now. any tips on what other easy plants which need no help to live would be cool. or just some feedback on the tank would be good :)

picture one is when i first set up my new tank. all fake plants in the tank. tank is on a little slope which sucks :( hope that wont be a problem in a long run. have had it set up for about 3 months now and havent had a problem yet.


picture 2 is when the tank settled down and aint got a blue colour from the gravel anymore. also has a few zebra danios swimming around :)


picture 3 ive added a planted backdrop to the tank which i was really happy with :) also got my first live plants into the tank!! was really happy with them. first ones i got was java fern. attached a few to my bog wood and planted a few even though was told not ment to plant them. added some neon tetras as you can see :)


picture 4 is the tank as it is today. got some more plants, called fountin plants or something. moved the bog wood to the middle for more of a focal point and took out every fake plant i own except 1 :) thank god looks so much better without plastic plants in there. also added a bristle nose plec :) the java ferns i had in before are doing great all of them are still alive and looks like they have grown :) also when i brought some fountin plants i got a few more java fern to pusht he numbers up a little .


now i am thinking about getting more fountin plants as i really like them. want them on the sides of my tank to dense that up a little. but im looking for a taller plant that will grow to the top of my tank. if anyone knows of a good tall live plant that doesnt need lots of light as my bulb is only 20 watt. that would be awsome.

any feedback would be good thank you!
Much nicer imo :nod:

what sort of plants are you looking for? foreground/midground/background?

tropica.com has a good list of plants and how difficult they are to grow...

background plants...

vallisneria spiarlis or similar plants
amazon sword (echindorus blerheri) which it looks like you have although i'm no expert
egerie densa...
hydrophila difformis


java fern (microsorum pteropus)


taxiphyllum barbieri (java moss)
smaller anubias
hemianthus callitrichoides
I'd change that substrate out to flourite black or eco-complete or ada aquasoil for the best opportunity for those plants to grow.... Also the blue just makes it looks kinda unrealistic IMHO...
Don't take any info from that link

Offer 10 to 12 hours of light per day of 3 to 5 watts per gallon using standard florescent, or 2 to 4 watts per gallon using Power Compact, VHO or T-5 Fluorescents with a spectrum of 5,000 to 7,000 degrees Kelvin.

They clearly don't know what they are talking about. How many of us know otherwise to what they are saying? Alot of us can vouch that the info is way over the top and misleading.
Did you try attaching one of the anubis to the driftwood with a string? This is one of the few plants that will do so and I want to try it one day. A big anubis to a piece of driftwood that size is pretty valuable too.

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