Still battling with my horrible ICH outbreak. The only fish that never had ich was Ember, my tough as nails yellow guppy. I took him out of the tank and into my quarantine tank yesterday, because it was hard on him to undergo everyone elses treatments. Apollo, my orange guppy, brought ich into my tank, and still has a spot or two. I've been losing like, a neon a day from the treatments, and I only have two weakened neons and a guppy left. I have a feeling the last two neons are going to die, but apollo might just make it.
Should I just take the neons out? they are very weak and have split fins, whitespot, the like. Poor guys. They don't swim right either. What can I do to try and save them?
Should I just take the neons out? they are very weak and have split fins, whitespot, the like. Poor guys. They don't swim right either. What can I do to try and save them?