

Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Near Grimsby
We have a Fahaka puffer whcih we have had for over a year, in a 5ft tank alone.

About 5 months ago we noticed a large lump in his stomach and he was laying upside down not eating, on the bottom of the tank.
I rang all the specialist vets and nobody had any information that could help.

Since then he has gone back to his old self character wise and adapted to life like that. Now he swims around fine, albeit a little misguided, eats well, and there is no lump.
When he stops swimming and goes to the bottom, a huge lump bigger than a ping pong ball appears as he is upside down.
We wonder, could his swim bladder of become detatched? He is managing fine and happy enough so we think it is a permanent thing with him.
if i remember correctly, puffers do not have a swim bladder. however, it is possible for him to have accidentally swallowed some air which he has been unable to absorb/regurgitate. :dunno:

does it only appear when he lays down? does he always lay on his back? does the lump only appear in one place or does it seem to move around?
I'm Glad that Gomez is still going strong, and while not altogether back to normal, at least still seems to have a decent quality of life. Excellent!

It certainly sounds like some sort of herniated organ causing this bulge and could well be his swim bladder (As I understand it, some puffers have them and some don't, Fahakas are one of the species that do)
Thanks for the replies. I don`t think i is air he has taken in, when he lays on the bottom he is nearly always upside down and that is the only time when you can see the lump, always in the same place, near his chin but not quite that far up, just at the top of his belly.

I thought Fahakas had a swim bladder, but like Sir Minion said, it could be something else come loose.
While he is eating and seeming okay we are happy with that. He swims around fine, just a little bit wobbly on the direction but is happy and responsive so we think he will stay like this.
At first we thought he had no chance of survival and every day feared the worst, but now we are thinking maybe this will be how he stays, hope so becuase he is a lovely little fella!!

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