goldie plec


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2004
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hey there people its that time again when i have bought another expensive fish this time is a goldie plec £25

only thing is i have been on catfish planet checking my info on this very beautfuil fish but in the pics they are all a lovely brown with white spots now mine is like this but mine looks a snowy color to kinda couldy is the best way to put it.

is this rite and is my new fish ok?

hopefully there is a pic of my goldie plec in my profile so check it out and let me know

cheers fish buddies

Plecos tend to be3 tempermental about the water conditions and lighting and they can change colours based on this. I speak from personnal experience about a common pleco i'ver owned for a long time now. The little guy was a pale grey and kept in a tank that had a pH of 5.5-6 and a flora sun light tube (the different light wave lengths can effect how you percieve a fish colour eg. flora sun makes red/oranges stand out so a red tail black shark appears amazing, under a bue moon which picks out silver and wihite the same red tail would appear dull and unhealthy.) Anyway after a week of owning him in a tank with a lot of bog wood and a pH of 7 he started to turn black. Okay this alone is not enough i know, but when he was moved to my cousins with a pH of 6 he got lighter. Later from he was pot into a tank withi pH of 7.5 which is moving slowly towatrds 8, and as this is happening hes getting lighter colouration.
If this is not the case, it may be that your pleco is ill or merely dislikes your water parameters or has been hastled by another fish. Tis is vague at best, but if the fish dosent seem ill, then i doubt theres much wrong with him, try comparing pH and lighting, just to see if they are different.
This is quite normal - plecos colours tend to fade when they're stressed (i.e. just moved home). You should find his colours come out properly when he's fully settled.

Looking at your photo, he seems absolutely fine. :)

btw, where did you get him from? £25 is damn cheap for a goldy!
he looks fine (great pic by the way)

He'll darken over the next few days (and find a hiding hole)

ours has been quite scaredy for the time we've had him - he's just starting to be braver (after about 4 months)

(oh and we got ours for £12.50 :D :D but dont tell the store manager!)

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