Goldfish Wierd?


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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I have a stupid goldfish. It was flipping around it self, swimming backward. But now it is swimming noraml and it eats normally, whats wrong with it. I have it in a 32 gal tank i have been having it for 1 month and 16 days. I just changed my feeding time u feed them twice every day, i use to feeed them once every 2 days. Could it make the difference. PLz help i have been loosing them one after other.
We need to know more info. At the top of the forum theres a pinned notice if you could fill that in then we can try and help more.

How long have you had the fish?
I have a stupid goldfish. It was flipping around it self, swimming backward. But now it is swimming noraml and it eats normally, whats wrong with it. I have it in a 32 gal tank i have been having it for 1 month and 16 days. I just changed my feeding time u feed them twice every day, i use to feeed them once every 2 days. Could it make the difference. PLz help i have been loosing them one after other. Updated
Any other fish with it? If so, how many and how long have you had them.

Im not really sure whats wrong with it. Does it suddenly stop in the water and seem to choke which makes it go backward and even does it when not being fed? If so then its fins are all standing up at the time?
When you say flips back on itself does it look like its itchy and wants to scratch or is it going upside down?

Do you test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph?

Is the tank filtered and if so what type of filter and how often do you clean it out and how.

Are you using dechlorinator?

How often and how much are you changing the water?

Which country are you in so if you need meds we can advise.
YEah i have 3 goldfish with it. I have been having them for 1 year and 16 days. No it doesnt suddenly stop and choke. Yeah it swims noraml. No i dont test them because we dont have them in this country. Yes it looks like it wants to scratch it self on something, it does a bit then it stop like 3 time. The tank has a filter in it. Its an internal filter it curculates the water.I change the cotton every 1 month with some water change sometimes not always i didnt yet changeed it. I am leaving in lebanon. There isnt many tank equipments for tank. Btw Thank you very much
To me it sounds like your fish has flukes. The opening of the mouth could indicate gill flukes and the attempt to scratch could be gill or body flukes.
can you get medication for it?
OK 10x. BUt we dont have the medidcation here. What can it caused it, could it be from overfeeding or water quality or overstocked?
goldfish carry lots of parasites but you really need to test your water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates to see if the water is annoying them as well.
I cant check the water due to the not availability in our country. Where does this parasite comes from. It is swimming normally but everyday it makes its stupid thing and then everything is fine. Bye 10x for ur help.
Can you get non iodinised salt? Aquarium salt? pickling salt or solar salt?
Using salt will help. Let me know

Flukes can be brought in on plants, snails, and sometimes in the water depending where it is from. If you have had nothing new in the tank in over a yuear then it may not be a parasite.

How many gallons does your tank hold or how big is it as in length, width and height?

Does it have a good filter on it?

How much do you take out in water changes and how often?

Has the tank got gravel and if so do you clean it regularly?
I can have salt but they tell me that salt isnt that good for goldfish. I have a artificial plant, i dont have any snail. My tank is 32 gal tank. 60/45/35 and 35 in depth . Yeah it has an internal filter it came with the tank. It circulates the water, and then dip them back, its like a cycle. I didnt change yet the water the LFS told that i must change it every 6 month. I am not dechlorinating the water. I dont clean the gravel i do it with the water cange. My aquarium model is AQUARIUM 620.
Dont change the water for 6 months?? That could be where the problem is then.
Water changing should be done on a WEEKLY basis for golsdifsh.
Can you get a gravel vac at all? Its a long hose with a larger cylinder on the end that digs in to the gravel and cleans it?

Do a 50% water change and clean out the media in the filter. To do that: unplug the filter before the water gets too low and once you ahve a bucket of water take the media out of the filter and squeeze it in the bucket. You will probably have to do this a few times if the media is dirty.

I suggest doing 50% water changes twice a week for a month and then seeing if theres a difference in how your fish act.
I just cleaned my filter 2 weeks ago, ok i will do some water changing. And about the vaccum thing it isnt availbale in our country. The filter doesnt have a spong. It is connected to the tank and take out the water and cycle them there is some cottons connected to it outside the tank. Tank cotton then like fossils things it cleanes the water.
So its an external filter? Can you get a picture of it from an online place?

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