Goldfish Questions


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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How do I breed Telescope Goldfish? And How do I tell the difference between boy and girl goldfish? Could you show me pictures that compare a female and a male goldfish? Thanks.
Its very very hard. You need a black water container mainly no light can get inside the tank beside the top and you also need to dump some plants Ahhh I forgot the name this plants it can help eggs survive from their parents attack also gold fish hate this plants because they dont taste good. Gold fish eat their own eggs :(. Back in china I have a friend of mine who kept gold fish this way and he have alot of success on breeding.
I'll move this to coldwater. Although they are Cyprinids, you'll get better goldfish advice in there.
Thanks! :D I have all the info i need for now! Ill let you know if I have any more questions.

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