Goldfish Not Doing Well


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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I love my goldfish and i just recently had to move them into a large hexagon tank (which i know isnt that great for them)... and now one of my goldfish has a swim bladder problem, which used to occur in this type of tank a lot.

What can i do to get rid of this problem and prevent it from happening?
If it is a fancy goldfish, don't give them flakes or pellets for a few days- try blanched (boiled for a few seconds) veg instead- shelled peas, cucumber, or lettuce. Constipation is a common cause of swim bladder problems in fancies I believe. Repeat every week. In the immediate, perhaps don't feed at all for a couple of days. Sure someone else will be along to help but hope that is useful in the meantime.
okay i fed her lettuce last night and when i woke up today she was perfectly fine... and now it is night time and she is still perfectly fine lol thank goodness. I guess the lettuce helped, so i'll have to make lettuce a larger part of their diet
second the shelled peas :good:
Im glad your fish is better i always found my fish used to have trouble with swim bladde in a hexagonal tank although i started breeding them so i used to keep them in a big 20 gallon :)

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