Goldfish laying on the bottom


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Orange County, California
My Red cap oranda has come down with a minor symtoms of ick. It is very hard to tell what ick is on a white fish but you could tell from his fins. Lately hes been swimming normally with the exeption that he goes down to the floor and lays there. Is this a result of the ick? I added a little more salt as usual but it saddens me to see him just lay on his belley on the floor. What should I do?

PH is around 7.5, Temp is at 72.
hi, sorry your fish is ill.
fish get really stressed by ich and the best solution is raising the salt level to .3%
what do you have it at now?
you need to add 1 level teaspoon per gallon in the first 12 hours, then again 12 hours later and then the same again to get to the .3%. keep it like that for a couple of weeks
do you have any other fish in the tank?

its best to dissolve it in some tank water or boiled water and top up with tank water so it doesnt get too hot for the fish
I have about 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon and gradually adding more... I have 1 red cap oranda, 2 ryukins, 1 oranda. They are in a 30 gallon tank (I know im overstocked according to this site) and I do 50% water changes every week. There is a Penguin 330 dual bio wheel.

The red cap is getting better now, but still has its tired moments. :huh: :(

Oh yeah and i have another question... My red cap wen is kind of whitish... is it growing? or is it a bad sign.
sounds like new wen growth, but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesnt get stringy looking stuff from it.
The white spots are not on just the pedral fins are they, as that says it's a male.
what size tank is it, filtration and do you use an airstone?
have you tested the water for ammonia,nitrate,nitrite and ph. how long has the tank been going,how many fish,what are you feeding and what is the routine regarding water changes and looking after the filter, cheers.
germanshepherdlver said:
usual causes

not enough oxgey
bad water
water too cold
Well I dont think its low oxegen, because I have two power aerators for 60 gallons in a 30 gallon. It may be bad water so im doing 40% change every three days. And I have a 300 watt heater ... should I use it for the 30 gallon? is that safe?

The red cap is over with ick and its listlessness but now it has BLOOD STREAKED FINS (AHHHHH).... Why does this always happen to me?
blood streaked fins is a sign of either high ammonia or nitrite. please get your water tested and in the meantime do 50% water changes each day.

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