Goldfish Help, Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Ok, to make a long story short, someone I am kind of friends with at school thought it would be a good science project of his own to keep a gold fish in some multi-stacking CD case thing with a straw through the top. He kept it in his locker. Well, a teacher found out and has been keeping it in a bowl on her desk. I was told that she doesn't want it any more, and my friend said I could possibly take it. But, I know nothing about goldfish! I think he said it was being sold as a feeder fish. So, I have some questions.

What is the minimum tank size?
How big do they get?
Would it be able to survive an un cycled tank? (If I need to get it in one that quickly)
I really just need to know about their care in general. So any help would be appreciated!
Goldfish are pretty hardy so it should be ok if he's in full health to go in a uncycled tank.
Usually its 20gal for the first goldfish, then 10gal for every other one added.
You will need an excellent filter as they are big waste producers, so if you have a 20gal tank go for a filter for a 40gal.
Just rescue the fish. Put him in largest container you have I am sure he will be better off with you. Someone has promised me a nipped betta and I havent seen woman for days got horrible feeling poor fish is down the loo!!!
Just rescue the fish. Put him in largest container you have I am sure he will be better off with you.
Probably, but a decent tank and filter is still essential. Compromising on that really won't do, even if you care more than the previous owner. Caring isn't really enough, though I understand what you mean... some people really couldn't give two fudge's!
As Wilder rightly said... go for a 20 gallon tank with a good filter like a Fluval 3+, which will filter the water about 9 times in an hour. Since you already mentioned cycling I take it you know a little about ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If not, Google 'aquarium cycling' and you'll find everything you need ^_^. Common goldfish will get pretty big... they are the same sort that people keep in ponds. 12" or so is 'large', but not uncommon. Fancy goldfish (with the egg-shaped bodies) can get to around the same size, but it's pretty good going if a fancy reaches 8" (not including the tail).
You'll probably want to get some decent food for it too, since who knows what the poor thing's been living on! Go for a sinking goldfish pellet, so that it doesn't grab air from the surface. Other foods that goldfish love are frozen bloodworm, blanched spinach, blanched zucchini and shelled cooked peas. It's important for goldfish to get their veggies ^_^. Mine also really like those Nutrafin spirulina tablets that stick to the side of the glass.
Thank you for the help everyone! Unfortunatly, the fish died over the night at school. :(
That's awful, sorry r.i.p.
I get annoyed at my school. The fish in my room are well looked after..apart from last week when a child for some unexplained reason decided to put..wait for it...a clove in the fish tank. Fortunately I was there and scooped fish out and did water change. In another room the kids keep tapping the tank. It also hasnt got a filter going to persuade teacher to get one this weekend.
I get annoyed at my school. The fish in my room are well looked after..apart from last week when a child for some unexplained reason decided to put..wait for it...a clove in the fish tank. Fortunately I was there and scooped fish out and did water change. In another room the kids keep tapping the tank. It also hasnt got a filter going to persuade teacher to get one this weekend.
:hyper: oh my word, fancy putting a clove in the tank,of all the things they could of found eh :no:

please help I'm a thickie;can someone tell me how to put a picture by my name. thanks in advance

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