goldfish food


New Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hi all, first off sorry that all my posts seem to be anoying questions as apposed to usfull info and so on. But anyway feeding flake food bout as much as they can eat in 5 minutes and occasional dried daphnia (think thats the spelling) and small live worms think their bloodworm just wondering if there is any other food you can sugest? guess they would like a varied diet.Also got a book on goldfish made by the rspca so if im doin owt wrong blame them not me!! cheers again
Indoor goldfish must be like outdoor,give them worms or maggots,corn on the cob u might get them to eat peas to.
Just to add that your questions arent annoying.We are glad to help with anything you need to know about.The only stupid question is the one that isnt asked. :)

you could also try a bit of brocolli and some lightly boiled lettuce and some cucumber.
i feed my goldies normal flakes every morning. and once a week a few peas and a let them nibble a cucumber slice or a banana slice. they love the peas though and go nuts when i drip them in
green water :D after you cook up your sunday greens allow some of the water to cool and add half a cup to the tank,high in vitamins also i chuck in a lettuce leaf now and then
not sure about corn on the cob cat :rofl: it might get stuck in there teeth but sweetcorn is fine if the fish are big enough to manage it

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