Goldfish Eggs! But Heres The Problem...


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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ok i had goldfish eggs a few times, but EVERY batch i get, they all turn white! But i made sure he fertilized them. My tank's nitraite, nitrate, ammonmia, and pH are all where they should be :) so i dont think it could be the water quality. There is a sponge filter in the tank and the temperature is about 76 degrees Farenheit.

Are the eggs infertile?

Please tell me how i can prevent the eggs from turning white, and tell me how i can have regular eggs and babies!

Also everyone always tell me what healthy goldfish eggs look like, but i have never seen them, so i dont know what to look for when i have eggs. If someone could also get pictures of goldfish eggs, that would be great!
White eggs are dead eggs.

Good eggs are clear at first and quickly darken slightly, with in a day or so you can then see then eye's and back bode which are very dark compaired to the rest of the egg.

The reason for the dieing, males are infertile, female has poor quality eggs, sperm and egg's not mixing correctly or poor water.

Adding meatholine (not sure on spelling) blue or malicate greed will keep fungus off dead eggs and gives the good eggs a better chanve, as when fugus set's in to dead eggs it can then kill other eggs near it.

I agree on the methylene blue, but not malachite green. it can be deadly to young eggs and fish. Instead of the malachite, I'd say acroflavin.
Well malicate is good but it dose have to be in low levels, i used it for years on the fish farms.
2-4 ppm
ok! i see just a few babies developing in eggs! But not too many, maybe ten :( but im still happy with them. I dont know how to remove the fungusy ones from the tank im too nervous to interrupt the eggs!
On the farms we used pipettes to remove the dead eggs, the other eggs can withstand movement quite happily, but methylene blue will save that hassel with just a few eggs.
ok im starting to see maybe 15 or 20, but some may be hidden behind plants.

Are goldfish babies hardy? Or will they die easily? Because if i only get like 15 babies i dont want them to die :(
They are quite hardy, but in a tank they will need weekly water changes and live foods to rear them.

I a pond they will usualy fine enough nateral food on the plants and that to surive but in a tank there will never be enough, so you mat need to think of hatching some brine shrimp untill you can get them on to falke foods.
ok i woke up today not seeing any of them except for one in some plants, so i imagine they are starting to move around. They havent yet learned to swim vertically or taken their first breath on the surface of the water, but that should be coming soon!
all of the babies died and are all white and fuzzy like the unfertilized eggs.... Why did they all die? Did the fungusy eggs have anything to do with their deaths?

Also next time i breed i might use methylene blue in the tank with the eggs... is this a good idea? Will it kill/harm the eggs? Will it kill/harm the newly hatched babies? I am just wondering if it is safe to keep eggs and fry in a tank with methylene blue, or would it just be safer if i didnt use methylene blue. If i should put it in, should i put it in before the eggs come out of the female, or after?


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