Goldfish Death


New Member
Feb 24, 2004
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I have had my tank about a month now and my two fish that I moved into the new tank have been fine (The move from a 15L to a 190L)

After about 2 and a half weeks I bought another Red Cap (goldfish) he was fine for the first 4 days but after this he suddenly became very lethargic and VERY bloated. He just sat on the bottom.

It didn't look like dropsy, nor septacemia, and I put him in a small isolation tank, after the 7th day he'd died (upsetting)

I have no idea why ????

All the levels seemed ok, slightly high, but nothing outragiously bad ????

Was this just bad luck
Sorry to hear about that.

What was "slightly high"? Amonia and NitrIte should be at 0 all the time when the tank is cycled. How much do you feed and how often? Goldfish are very suseptable to bloat and swim badder disorder. If this happens again I would recomment fasting the fish for about 3 days and then feeding with unsalted shelled peas that have been cut/squashed (defrosted frozen peas are good).

As CS said fancy goldfish especailly are very suceptable to bloat or swim bladder. The best way to treat it is to feed live or frozen foods or something like Peas, this will get the system moving and stop the bloating.

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