Goldfish Bowl Rant.


Aug 9, 2008
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East London
I'm looking after a friend's 2" goldfish for 6 weeks whilst she's away. Brought him in a plastic bag and put him in the tank with my daughter's 6" goldfish. The two of them are fine together and ours isn't bullying the smaller one at all. Anyway she keeps him in an old glass goldfish bowl and says he's always "opening his mouth as if gasping" and stays at the surface. :( Well he hasn't enough oxygen as there's no aeration or filtration. Also she moans that in 5 years he's not grown a centimetre. I've offered her my spare 18" tank, which whilst not that big is better for him than a small bowl. She won't have it though. Poor fish. He's fine in our tank and not gasping at all and seems much happier than when I saw him in the bowl yesterday. Goldfish bowls should be banned but she's had it since the late 60's she says so what can you do? :( To refuse a free bigger home for him is ridiculous. :angry: Oh she said it didn't seem to eat but is eating very well here.
maybe when she sees the difference for herself then maybe she wil take notice
or accidentally knock the bowl off what ever its on when you take the fish back to her "ooops oh never mind you can have that spare tank of mine" :hey:
I agree smash the blasted thing lol.

Bowls and goldfish just arn't humane, they need a large over filtered tank.

Good on you for letting her know though :good:

Keep at it.
have you got any kids?

purposly leave it on the side and ill garante it'l get knocked of after a short period of time :)

oops! :shifty:

hehe if not just smash the stupid thing and act thick :shifty:

good luck x

i used to keep 3 golfish in a bowl and now i understand why they didnt live long (but that was before i even got into fish)

:( poor fishy xx

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