Goldfish And Plants!


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2010
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Okay, I've tried a variety of plants with my fancy goldies and so far they've managed to eat their way through all the plants I've tried to add to the tank ( Annubias (several varieties), Java Moss, Java Fern and a few more that I cant place off hand).

Is there ANYTHING that these things cant eat???
The only problem is I dont have any substrate (other than the gravel) so I've always stuck to rhizome based plants. I suppose I could leave it in a pot and semi submerge the pot....

I was hoping the java fern would be ok as goldies arent meant to like it but one of mine just eats anything put in front of him.
I leave my water wisteria floating so it grows extra bushy - the gold fish like playing in it and it thrives even with 7 nibbling
Okay, I've tried a variety of plants with my fancy goldies and so far they've managed to eat their way through all the plants I've tried to add to the tank ( Annubias (several varieties), Java Moss, Java Fern and a few more that I cant place off hand).

Is there ANYTHING that these things cant eat???

My mom's goldies leave hornwort alone although yours do seem to want to eat even the hardier plants so maybe nothing is safe.

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