Goldfish And Cories


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2005
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Houston, TX
I have a 55 gallon right now with nothing but rosy red minnows and a plec. Its a little heated right now for the sake of the plec (and it used to be tropical until I wised up and moved my other fish.) So I want it to be a cold water tank, with some common golds and corycats, but I've heard that coldfish will eat the corys? I just can't see it happening, but I wanted to be sure before I went ahead and did it and lost some expensive cories in the process.

Note: I'll be getting standard sized cories, not dwarfs or pygmys (I can't spell.) I'll also be moving the plec to a proper tropical tank. And I'm keeping the rosy reds. They can go ahead and get eatten, thats fine by me. :lol:
Corydoras are tropical fish, too, so why move the plec if you are going to add tropical fish anyways?

3" comets were able to make quick work of ghost shrimp I added, so I would think there might be a risk when they get bigger, esp. if the corydoras are young at the time.

In the end, I would not suggest mixing these two fix just because of the temp requirements... not to mention that corydoras need constant, good water quality, and goldfish end up mucking up the tank with their copious levels of excrement. :/
hi,iv currently got 4 goldfish & 4 peppered cories in a cold water tank (stays at around 24 degrees C naturally).my goldies are 5" long (not including tails) and dont bother with the corys in the slightest at the moment.infact at feeding times they all swim together waiting for there food but most of the time they just ignore each other.saying that,i am moving them to a pond in may as i dont want to take the risk of them trying to eat the corys.if a goldie dus try to eat a cory the corys spines will stick into the goldies throat,thus both fish will die.also theres a hell of alot of water changes & gravel vacs to do a week to try & keep the water & gravel/sand clean!goldies have got very large mouths compared to body size so id say its fine to keep them together while the goldies are small but as soon as they start getting aroud 4-5" its time to seperate them.let us know what you decide. :) x
Cories are cooler water fish, the temps are pretty much the same with them and goldfish, and I wouldn't really compare them to ghost shrimp, those are alot smaller and more fragile. I guess I agree on the fact that goldies make a big mess, but so do my rosies...and I had cories in that tank before and they had a ball.

I think I'm going to wait on more opinions before I decide on anything.
I have 3 bronze cories in with my 3 fantials and one comet in my 50 gallon, they don't bother each other. My goldies are still small though, but I don't think you'd have to worry about them getting big enough to eat the cories as they will only reach 6-8" max, in a pond they will grow much bigger though. Also, the cories that don't mind cooler temps (pepper, bronze, green, albino) grow 2-3" so should be safe.
Ah, see, thats what I thought. Aren't panda cories on that list too...if I read the correct information on them.
Yes, they are, but they defently aren't as hardy as the other ones I mentioned and goldfish are very messy, so I don't think they would be able to handle it.

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