Sorry for my constent questions, my field is in tetras and other community fish but im getting into south american cichlids. I am going to get a 100gallon tank, and have a pretty solid set up so far, 1 firemouth, 1 blue acara, 1 severum, 2 red-striped eartheaters, 5 silver dollars, and either a senegal bichir or a pair of clown loaches( i like keeping um in pairs ive had good experiances this way, if they seem to shy i would add more), and a large school of buenos aires tetras. So my question is could i also add a pair or two of theis goldeneye cichlids, ive researched that they grow to about 6.5 cm but want others opinions. I plan on having lots of driftwood and rock caves, i have to wait a couple months so i have plenty of planning time for suggestions, thanks.