(golden)zebra Loach Compatibility


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Hi, I was just wondering about how compatible (golden) zebra loaches are with other fish; I have a 58 litre long tank with 2 opaline gouramis and 1 red tail black shark. I was just wondering, if I were to get another fish, if the (golden) zebra loach would be ok or not. My tank has live plants, including floating ones and mopani wood to provide a hiding place. Thanks for any replies :)
Hi, I was just wondering about how compatible (golden) zebra loaches are with other fish; I have a 58 litre long tank with 2 opaline gouramis and 1 red tail black shark. I was just wondering, if I were to get another fish, if the (golden) zebra loach would be ok or not. My tank has live plants, including floating ones and mopani wood to provide a hiding place. Thanks for any replies :)
Golden zebra loaches are a shoaling fish & your tank is too small to house a decent group of whichever species you mean - this name gets used for at least three species all growing to 4"+.
My group of B histrionica are fine in a 400L tank containing guppies up to a ( very soppy) adult male Geophagus brasiliensis.

Your RTBS and opaline gouramis will be cramped in 58l too.

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