Golden X Spotted Guarmi


Fish Fanatic
Jan 19, 2009
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My two guarmis have been mateing and courting the female is bulging with eggs and hopefully a good cross breed. Will be intresting to see a golden spotted guarmi ill keep you guys updated
My two guarmis have been mateing and courting the female is bulging with eggs and hopefully a good cross breed. Will be intresting to see a golden spotted guarmi ill keep you guys updated

Sounds like you are breeding 2 colour morphs of the 3 spot guramie and that wouldnt be a hybrid. Have you any pictures?
Ahhh no fry yet ill try and get one of them mateing. Sould be intresting to see hey?
Okay one is golden the male the female is a blue. I know its nothing amazing would just be intresting to see.
I have a blue 3 spot male and 3 golden females - they are always mating. the fry don't live long enough for me to see any colouration etc, because the community tank also contains a parrot who, err, likes a midnight snack :blink:

The pairing won't be an unusual one - I expect you'd get some blue and some golden fry.

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