Golden Wonder Panchax


New Member
Mar 30, 2006
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What do I do if my Inadian female Killi egglayer is fat?
Should I move her into a netted box with gravel and plants or should I keep an eye out for any signs of her laying eggs, because my male has started inflating his fins and trying to impress my female?
Breeding Golden Wonders Aplochelius lineatus Gold. (My Way)
So you are attempting to breed Aplochelius lineatus Gold. I would give the pair a tank of their own 18x10x10. The tank being bare except for a small air driven sponge filter, heater set to 75'F and a couple of acrylic yarn spawning mops.
only 3/4 fill the tank and provide a tight fitting lid as these killifish will jump. The water is soft and slightly acidic with a pH of 6.8. The male will drive the female into the mops and adopt a stance alongside the female, the pair will then form an "S" shaped pose as the male squeezes the female into the fibres of the mop. This is followed by a slight jerk and a single egg is deposited and fertilised, then the pair release only to start the process over and over again.
The eggs are quite large and can withstand a fair degree of handling. Pick the eggs from the mops daily ( gently, with your fingers). and place them in a margarine tub, floated in the parent tank. Remove fungussed/unfertilised eggs daily. the fry will hatch in or around 10-14 days. They are quite large and can take newly hatched brineshrimp and microworm from the outset. Keep the adults well fed (livefoods, frozen and flake) and keep their tank clean, removing any uneaten food on a daily basis. Water changes are also an essential part of killifish husbandry and I like to change about 1/3 of the water weekly.
These fish are quite a large species easily attaining 3-4 inches in the home aquaria, they are predatory by nature, so please do not combine them with small tetras or danios etc.
I cull the runts and slower growing fishes for the simple reason of maintaing good solid stock, the smaller ones will only be bullied and subsequently killed by the larger ones. When the fry are starting to sex out you will notice a fair amount of squabbling, especially amongst the males. Take out the females and rear these seperately.
This is a nice species to breed for the novice killifish enthuasist, they present little or no problems in maintaining, breeding and the rearing of fry and present a stepping stone to go on and attempt some of the more exotic species.
I hope this was of some help to you in some form or other.
So you are attempting to breed Aplochelius lineatus Gold

or you could do it the lazy way - less productive maybe, but the fish will often be better quality (runts generally get eaten by siblings)

Fill the tank (I mean fill) with hornwort, najas, java moss etc or just spawning mops. make it so full that fish can only slowly weave in and out

Put a pair in for a couple days after lots of heavy feeding

Remove the adults, and wait. Add brine shrimp, microworm after a couple weeks, or when you see fry. A tank like that can easily give more fry than you have room for. If you don't remove the adults, a well filled tank will still give you fry, but just less. the fry may range in size more than if you pick eggs, but as long as you feed well, this will not be too problematic

nothing else to it!
What if I want to keep the eggs and sell them?? what do I do?

You'll need to use spawning mops, pick out the eggs one by one (or sell the whole mop) and store on damp peat .

Its not worth the hassle- you're hourly rate will be practically nothing. If you want to sell fish eggs, you'd do FAR better with a rarer species. Lineatus are in every fish shop worldwide.

There are hundreds more killis, almost as easy that are not available in shops. Concentrate on one of those.

If you really want to sell lineatus eggs, i'd sell them with the mop too, and try and make your money on the mop!
You'd need to be pretty quick to sell the eggs of Ap. lineatus Gold as they only take 10-14 days to hatch.
What if I want to keep the eggs and sell them?? what do I do?

You'll need to use spawning mops, pick out the eggs one by one (or sell the whole mop) and store on damp peat .

Its not worth the hassle- you're hourly rate will be practically nothing. If you want to sell fish eggs, you'd do FAR better with a rarer species. Lineatus are in every fish shop worldwide.

There are hundreds more killis, almost as easy that are not available in shops. Concentrate on one of those.

If you really want to sell lineatus eggs, i'd sell them with the mop too, and try and make your money on the mop!

I'll send you a pm!

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