Fish Addict
Went to my LFS a few days ago and found Golden Wonder Kilifish and decided I really want to get one now. I did a little google work and there suggested for a 20 gallon tank and are usually peaceful to all fish (except for squabbles amongst its on species). I think I have enough room left for one more fish in my 30 gallon tank but want to see what peoples opinions are. Also has anyone kept one of these before?
30 Gallon: Planted
7 oto
1 BN
6 Pepered Cory
4 Molly
7 Bloodfin tetra
? Upside Down Catfish (bought 3 month or 2 ago and never saw since, think I saw one the other day but cant be sure).
Tank itself is looking pretty good:
So opinions?
30 Gallon: Planted
7 oto
1 BN
6 Pepered Cory
4 Molly
7 Bloodfin tetra
? Upside Down Catfish (bought 3 month or 2 ago and never saw since, think I saw one the other day but cant be sure).
Tank itself is looking pretty good:
So opinions?