Golden Tang And Regal Tang


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
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I have a 5 inch golden tang along with a a mix of some smaller fish.

could i put a regal tang in the same tank or would they fight?

i have a 190L fluval vensia corner tank.

i am pretty new to things.

The tang i have is very easy going and gets on with everything, but i really would like to add a blue regal tang.
any help appreciated.
probably best to stay with the one. If you got both at the same time and put them in together it would have been a different story. However, since one is already established you would be taking a big risk introducing another one now.
IMO that tank's really small for one tang, let alone two. I furthermore agree with the establishment theories, prolly an all around good idea to stick with just one :)

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