Golden Sucking Loaches - Again


New Member
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leicester, UK
I've just had to give my sucking loach a new home because it got too aggressive for my tank at home.
Has anyone here actully had success with these loaches because all I've heard is negative comments about them, it seems that everyone eventully has to get rid of them!!

Is there a certain size/type of aquarium where they will be happier in?? Certan fish they can be put with??

I've just transferred mine to a 6ft tank at college. He looks completely lost in there but hopefully it will be a better home for him than my 2ft tank!!
They just get old, big and mean. You are much better off choosing a different type of "algae eater" and/or plec. There are alot of LOACHES that are great - sucking loach is just another name the LFS's give these fish. Most people know the CAE's get mean and not to buy them sooooo in order to make a sale the LFS's "Re-name" them. :blink:
Yours will do much better in a large aquarium like that. He can pick his space and "protect" it - will 6' everyone can have there own space and be okay. - However, what are the other fish in this tank?
The new tank is a comminity tank with Tetras, Corys, Plecs, Clown Loach, Scissor tails. But it does have a few Tiger barbs and a couple of small Chiclids. I'm just hoping the size and hiding places will stop any future attacks!!

I brought him for the simple reason that I liked his colour, totally obvilious to the fact that a small algae eater would be aggressive. I already have a lovely plec who will get all the algae to himself now
i haven't got a Gold Sucking Loach however i have got a Green Sucking Loach, i have had him right from being tiny (about 1/2") he is not getting on for about 6" the only fish that i have in my aquarium (a 250L tank) that it seems to bother with is a very large Flying Fox they seem to occasioanlly chase each other round but have never harmed each other, although there are a lot of plants and ornaments so plenty of places to hide, but he's in with loads of different fish, including neons, platys, angels and Discus and never bothers with them at all.

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