Golden nuggets

Feb 13, 2004
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Hi, I've fallen in love with some golden nuggets at the LFS (labelled as L18), and I'm after some info. I've seen different reports of their size, how big do they get? Would they get on with the fish in my sig, and would they bother my plants? Thanks :)
L18 get to around 30cm (11.7 inches) at least, but no one is entirely sure as they've not been in the hobby for very long.

They'd be fine with your other fish and as they're mostly wood & meat eaters, they'd be fine with your plants.

Adding the occasiona slice of zucchini will give them all the veg they'll need. Mostly they like carrion, bloodworm and sinking shrimp pellets.
Good news, thanks! Hope they're still in the LFS next time I get the chance to go. Just one question - what are the shrimp pellets? - the only sinking pellets I can seem to get at the LFS are algae wafers, though I've also got some catfish granules. I do keep zucchini (well, courgette - same thing, yes?) in the tank - my SAEs, loaches, BN love it, even the tetras take a nibble!!
Hi waterwatereverywhere, I was thinking about getting a pair of L18's, what price were they in your LFS. Thanks.

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