golden nugget


New Member
Mar 19, 2004
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I bought a gold nugget plec about 2 weeks ago. When it first went in to community tank it darted about and was very active.
Now it just stays inside a ornamental bell during the days, i can still see it stuck to the sides. The only time it comes out is when all lights are turned off and it is pitch black!!
Is this normal?, ive got a albino bristlenose and its always out now but would only come out at night when i first got it. Is there anything i can do to tempt the golden nugget out, aside from taking away the bell??
yep normal... Nocternal.

It will get used to beign out during the day slowly.

You might want to get a moon light so you can see him/her after lights out... it may also help change its eating habits so it comes out during the day.

Our goldie is VERY shy... we've been tempting out of his cave with some cucumber just outside. he is still really skittish and runs away if you look at him :)
ive just looked on the fish index on this site, and seen the pictures for the gold nugget. Mine has white spots not yellow (i wondered why it was called a golden nuget!!)
is this still a golden nugget or has it another identity???
hello. my gold nugget was very shy initially but nowadays we see him quite alot,even in the daytime. He got braver when we moved our bristlenose into a different tank and seems very happy now. My advice is to be patient while he settles in and see what happens.........
have a look on

they have a great listing of MANY Lxxx fish....

I've just spent 3 hours looking through them all to see what i want to get for our next tank :)
is the moonlight that Violet tube i have?
and can you get away with using a red light instead?
just curious
wides said:
ive just looked on the fish index on this site, and seen the pictures for the gold nugget. Mine has white spots not yellow (i wondered why it was called a golden nuget!!)
is this still a golden nugget or has it another identity???
Sounds like it may be something else.... - too many L nos. :eek:

As said try planet catfish for an ID

Mine hates bright light but I do see him occassionaly - good plant cover arround his cave should help tempt him out ...

www :)
Have a look at the snowball plec on planet catfish. If you're struggling post a pic for some advice. :thumbs:
I think it is a golden nugget, looked on planet catfish index and theres a picture with white spots (right next to one with yellow)

most confusing!!
yellowsky said:
is the moonlight that Violet tube i have?
and can you get away with using a red light instead?
just curious
moonlight is something more like this

I've just bodged together a 'moom light' for mine... hasnt cost me anything (the ultra bright LEDs were "free samples" from work ;) ;)

3 ultra bright LED's (blue goldendragons for anyone interested)
a small dropdown resistor
and a 9v PP3.


shame my camera is poo :(

smithrc said:
I've just bodged together a 'moom light' for mine... hasnt cost me anything (the ultra bright LEDs were "free samples" from work ;) ;)

3 ultra bright LED's (blue goldendragons for anyone interested)
a small dropdown resistor
and a 9v PP3.


shame my camera is poo :(

Looks like another innovative setup. Do you find the pools of focused light that some report with LED kits where the light is more intense directly beneath the LED??
:D Hi all, happy to say I just got my first golden nuggets. Here they are very rare, so I am very happy to have found them. One I put in my big tank 125, and havn't seen it sence, the other I put in a 20gal long. There is no where for him to hide in this tank, so I found a green glass container. Carefully, my hubbie cut the botton off and I placed it in the tank. He loves it and I can see him light on or off. As for the one in the big tank, just spent several hours looking, and found him. I also have brissle nose albino in there too. Well now I know they are still alive... :D Glee Oh my have yellow spots
wides said:
ive just looked on the fish index on this site, and seen the pictures for the gold nugget. Mine has white spots not yellow (i wondered why it was called a golden nuget!!)
is this still a golden nugget or has it another identity???
its maybe a vampire, thyre like the same with white

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