Golden Nugget Pleco Hardly Moving!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2010
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I've had my golden nugget plec now for about 2 weeks, and absolutely love his colours. Only problem is I've got a pretty hefty piece of bogwood in my tank and he just sits behind it all day, hardly moves at all. I have seen him milling around every now and then when the lights are out, but aside from that there isn't a whole lot of movement.
I was just wondering if this was common? The water is all absolutely fine (apart from some tanning from the bogwood, very annoying) and I've tried dropping algae wafers but he doesn't really seem interested.
Basically should I be worried or do you think he will become a bit more active with time?

Tank mates: 4 rainbow cichlids and 2 blue acara's
Tank: juwel vision 180
Filter: Eheim Pro 3 2075
The Gold Nugget is known to be a nocturnal plec so I doubt you`ll see much of him during the day anyway, but add the fact that it`s still early days for him to be comfortable with his surroundings I would say it`s pretty normal and to be expected that he`s going to hide away. Apart from specifically aiming his food in front of his hidey hole just before lights out I don`t think there`s anything else you can do.

I have the same with my Clown plec who is also a shy, nocturnal plec.
As above, I have the same problem with my albino BN, only comes out after lights out :sad:
I keep forgetting I have a gn I so rarely see it.
Most plecos are like this unfortunately, including my L333 plecos which I never see :sad:
Agree with all the above.

They will take time to settle in and will get more active over time.

My GN was about the shyest of the 20 or so species I have kept.
I've had my GN for 3 weeks now and he does the same thing :sad: He hides under his little coconut all day long and runs away if I approach the tank. It took 2 weeks for him to even come out with me in the room :/ I just moved him and the rest of my fish to a larger tank not even a week ago, and he was sticking to the glass and having a field day for awhile. I went on vacation for a couple of days to come back to him have eaten all the christmas moss I had planted :crazy: as well as a small rampage.

He really didn't eat for those first 2 weeks, but after that I now see everything I leave him eaten. And well, he did a number on the christmas moss >_>

He's back to hiding, but I still do see him coming out sometimes before I go to bed, though nothing cool like sucking the glass >_> My friends Hi-Fin Pleco comes out and stares at him, I wish the GN did too. He's such a pretty guy. Oh well, time will tell as he gets used to things, but for the most part GNs will only come out to play when all the lights are out :sad:

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