Golden Nugget Plec


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Shrewsbury UK

Just to introduce myself as I haven't posted before - I'm Jue and my son & I are in the process of setting up a couple of tanks. One is a 40L and the other is 180L. These are the first tanks for either of us so we would appreciate any help that you can offer.

We have found a Golden Nugget Plec that we would like to add to one of the tanks but cannot find any reliable information on it. Our local fish store said that they grow to about 6 inches and after visiting 2 different links on Planet Catfish one says that it can grow to 7.2 inches and on the other link it says 15 inches!! Does anyone know which of any of these is correct?

The last thing that we want to do is to get him home, keep him for a few months and then have to rehome him!

Thanks for any help you can give.

Jue :huh:
Hi Jue :)

I will move your thread to the Catfish section so that it will be seen by members who have specialized knowledge about plecos.

I think you will want to wait until your tank is completely cycled and well established before adding one of these beauties.

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the problem with the information is that there are 3 main fish that are all called the same common name - the golden nugget plec

going by their L number classifications there are
L081 (just to add a little more confusion to the pot)
and the L177

the L018's are the ones that get BIG. the other 2 are smaller at around 6" ;)

(then there is a 4th L number too but it for the adult L018's)

This Artical should help out -

Planet Catfish
Crikey - it's extremely complicated. I'm presuming that if my LFS know their stuff they should know what the "L" number is for the ones they have got in.

We are still cycling the 40L - unfortunately we didn't know anything about fishless cycling prior to starting and just followed advice from the LFS, hence the 5 guppies. Fortunately, they are all still healthy and very active. Therefore the Golden Nugget won't be joining us until we are absolutely convinced that he will be safe. We've had him reserved in the LFS since mid November and can't wait to get him home now.

Where does everyone get their fish from? Do you all tend to buy from LFS or from other users? I'm still trying to find where the best place would be.

Can I also ask what the cat/plec is in your photograph above? He looks lovely.

Thanks for your help.
Crikey - it's extremely complicated. I'm presuming that if my LFS know their stuff they should know what the "L" number is for the ones they have got in.

We are still cycling the 40L - unfortunately we didn't know anything about fishless cycling prior to starting and just followed advice from the LFS, hence the 5 guppies. Fortunately, they are all still healthy and very active. Therefore the Golden Nugget won't be joining us until we are absolutely convinced that he will be safe. We've had him reserved in the LFS since mid November and can't wait to get him home now.

Where does everyone get their fish from? Do you all tend to buy from LFS or from other users? I'm still trying to find where the best place would be.

Can I also ask what the cat/plec is in your photograph above? He looks lovely.

Thanks for your help.

we get all our fish from a trusted local store ;)
find one that you like, ask questions and compare with what you can find on here - then you'll know if they are trustworthy - its better if they tell you they dont know rather than miss leading you. ;)

It's likely that the shop will just go by what they bought them as - and that is quite often wrong....

the Plec is a common plec of sorts - he's now about 12" and looks to be done growing (phew)

I've got a few golden nuggets for sale at the moment but i'm not risking posting them out in the cold weather...

Have a look at my website link below and click on the 'Our Plecs' link on the left... we caught the plec bug :D

I'm not sure how knowledgeable my LFS actually is. I must have phoned them about 15-20 times in the last couple of months and I've been in god knows how many times, with endless questions about setting up the tank etc. I've taken their advice on everything - then when I've read stuff on here (only found the site on Friday), it's started to worry me that what they've been telling me isn't right.

Cycling - they said to fill the tank with water, plants etc and leave for 2-3 weeks, then to add handful of "suicide" fish. Being naive, I asked what these were (thinking it was possibly a type of fish!! ) they then said that they were cheap "disposable" fish that it didn't matter if you lost!! This didn't please me as I don't want to lose any. Anyway, we ended up with 5 guppies as we were told this was the right way to set the tank up!!

As we are desperate to have plec, and as I mentioned earlier we have had a gold nugget reserved there for 6 or 7 weeks I read up about the species on Planet Catfish and noticed about ph levels. I asked in the lfs about this and they said not to worry too much about it, but I thought it would be sensible to test. When I purchased the kit I spotted all sorts of test kits and asked what they were for. They just said oh don't worry about them - iif you are going to do any then the PH test is more important. So I did what they said and now I find out that it didn't make any difference having the water in the tank prior to the fish going in because it wasn't actually achieving anything. Plus the guppies that are in there (all healthy at the min) might die from ammonia or nitrite poisoning.

Basically I don't think that there is anywhere near me that really knows what they are talking about. I also visited a Ripleys Waterlife Superstore yesterday. Nightmare!!! Dead fish, in tanks, filthy open tanks with water level nearly to the top (2 cm below) and dead fish (obviously jumped out) on the floor. Whilst we were walking around we came across a small fire in one of the unfilled display aquariums - billowing smoke and they hadn't even noticed. Funny how quickly they moved when I told them though.

The worst thing was they had an outdoor fish section - with some beautiful sturgeon and some very large (bloated type goldfish - don't know what they are called). Anyway, there was one "goldfish" in there which looked dead and the others were trying to eat it. I couldn't just leave it lying there so I picked up the net and tried to fish it out only to find that it was still breathing. So I put it straight back and told them about it so they could do something. They never went near it, we left the shop at 5.10pm (due to close at 5.30pm) and they were all putting their coats on. Needless to say I won't be going there again. :X

When you mentioned about your Gold Nuggets you said about posting them? Please don't take this as a criticism because it's not, but as a newbie I don't know about these things - are they ok if they are delivered that way? I would be worried sick that they wouldn't survive the journey.

I've just had a look at your website. Your plec look absolutely stunning!!! How photogenic is your common plec? Brilliant!! Ashley is in bed so I can't show him yet but I will tomorrow. We have really caught the bug with them as well. I don't know what it is about them but there is just something really captivating about them. I couldn't imagine having a tank without any. Ashley is desperate now to get his tank cycled so that he can collect his. Bless him he is only 12 and is so excited with his tank - he's been extremely patient waiting this long but he makes sure that we go to the shop at least once a week to check that his Gold Nugget is still there and healthy.

I'm setting up a 180L at the moment (I've got to have one in the lounge now as well) and thought it would look nice with just Tiger Barb and a couple of plec. Do you know what would be the best species (1) to get on with the tiger barb and (2) to get on with each other so that I could have at least 2 in there with them? Someone suggested Bristlenose (which are lovely) but I wondered what other species would be ok.

I will probably be back to ask you for some more advice about plec and catfish as it's brillliant to be able to talk to someone who obvoiusly knows what they are on about :D


I'm not sure how knowledgeable my LFS actually is. I must have phoned them about 15-20 times in the last couple of months and I've been in god knows how many times, with endless questions about setting up the tank etc. I've taken their advice on everything - then when I've read stuff on here (only found the site on Friday), it's started to worry me that what they've been telling me isn't right.

Cycling - they said to fill the tank with water, plants etc and leave for 2-3 weeks, then to add handful of "suicide" fish. Being naive, I asked what these were (thinking it was possibly a type of fish!! ) they then said that they were cheap "disposable" fish that it didn't matter if you lost!! This didn't please me as I don't want to lose any. Anyway, we ended up with 5 guppies as we were told this was the right way to set the tank up!!

As we are desperate to have plec, and as I mentioned earlier we have had a gold nugget reserved there for 6 or 7 weeks I read up about the species on Planet Catfish and noticed about ph levels. I asked in the lfs about this and they said not to worry too much about it, but I thought it would be sensible to test. When I purchased the kit I spotted all sorts of test kits and asked what they were for. They just said oh don't worry about them - iif you are going to do any then the PH test is more important. So I did what they said and now I find out that it didn't make any difference having the water in the tank prior to the fish going in because it wasn't actually achieving anything. Plus the guppies that are in there (all healthy at the min) might die from ammonia or nitrite poisoning.

Basically I don't think that there is anywhere near me that really knows what they are talking about. I also visited a Ripleys Waterlife Superstore yesterday. Nightmare!!! Dead fish, in tanks, filthy open tanks with water level nearly to the top (2 cm below) and dead fish (obviously jumped out) on the floor. Whilst we were walking around we came across a small fire in one of the unfilled display aquariums - billowing smoke and they hadn't even noticed. Funny how quickly they moved when I told them though.

The worst thing was they had an outdoor fish section - with some beautiful sturgeon and some very large (bloated type goldfish - don't know what they are called). Anyway, there was one "goldfish" in there which looked dead and the others were trying to eat it. I couldn't just leave it lying there so I picked up the net and tried to fish it out only to find that it was still breathing. So I put it straight back and told them about it so they could do something. They never went near it, we left the shop at 5.10pm (due to close at 5.30pm) and they were all putting their coats on. Needless to say I won't be going there again. :X

When you mentioned about your Gold Nuggets you said about posting them? Please don't take this as a criticism because it's not, but as a newbie I don't know about these things - are they ok if they are delivered that way? I would be worried sick that they wouldn't survive the journey.

I've just had a look at your website. Your plec look absolutely stunning!!! How photogenic is your common plec? Brilliant!! Ashley is in bed so I can't show him yet but I will tomorrow. We have really caught the bug with them as well. I don't know what it is about them but there is just something really captivating about them. I couldn't imagine having a tank without any. Ashley is desperate now to get his tank cycled so that he can collect his. Bless him he is only 12 and is so excited with his tank - he's been extremely patient waiting this long but he makes sure that we go to the shop at least once a week to check that his Gold Nugget is still there and healthy.

I'm setting up a 180L at the moment (I've got to have one in the lounge now as well) and thought it would look nice with just Tiger Barb and a couple of plec. Do you know what would be the best species (1) to get on with the tiger barb and (2) to get on with each other so that I could have at least 2 in there with them? Someone suggested Bristlenose (which are lovely) but I wondered what other species would be ok.

I will probably be back to ask you for some more advice about plec and catfish as it's brillliant to be able to talk to someone who obvoiusly knows what they are on about :D

I would wait until the 180l has been running for at least six months before getting a gold nugget - they are not suitable for a 40l tank and really need the stability of a mature aquarium. My nearest LFS won't sell them to tanks much under a year old and I think that is a good policy. Nice to know some shops care about the fish they sell.
Get Ashley to make a cardboard cutout of an adult GN - remember that it will be 7" long overall if you get the smallest species- and sit it next to the 40l tank. QED?
I was searching for a bit of info last night & came across a dealer recommending clown loaches for a 2' tank - some traders need their licenses revoking.

For the 180 - most of the Hypancistrus species will fit, H inspector being my favorite and it does eat some algae (Most hypancistrus sp don't) as will some panaques and ansistrus species. You will need to have some wood in the tank for just about any "plecs" as many species need wood to allow their digestive processes. I actually like gold bristlenoses & they are easy to spot. (they will also breed in a community tank if you get the set up & conditions right.)
Might it be possible to get a gold bristlenose baby in the 40l and then move it as soon as the 180 is ready? This will be a tank bred rather than a wild caught fish and won't come as stressed as a GN.
Hi Sue

Thanks for all the information, it's really useful to hear other people's opinions and advice. Are there any plec that would be small enough to stay in the 40L or do you think it is totally out of the question? He has really set his heart on having one for his own tank but having read what you have said about the Gold Nugget being 7inches we can obviously see your point.

I don't think either tank will be fully cycled for a while yet. I'm about to start adding the ammonia to mine (180L) today and unfortunbately due to bad advice the 40L is going through a cycle with fish already added. I fully appreciate your point about waiting until the tanks are well matured as the last thing we would want is to introduce one to its new home only for it to die soon after.

Jue :)
That's right smith, the L-081 and the L-017 are the more expensive choice over L-018. As keepers don't want huge L-Numbers. Golden Nuggets are a beautiful fish however is you spend £20 on it then it dies you are going to be upset. So wait untill the tank is completely cyvled and you have tested the water and maybe added a few hardy fish to see how they get on.
Hope i helped
That's right smith, the L-081 and the L-017 are the more expensive choice over L-018. As keepers don't want huge L-Numbers. Golden Nuggets are a beautiful fish however is you spend £20 on it then it dies you are going to be upset. So wait untill the tank is completely cyvled and you have tested the water and maybe added a few hardy fish to see how they get on.
Hope i helped

Any help is very welcome so thanks.

They definitely won't be going anywhere near the tanks until we are convinced that it is fully ready for them. We would far rather wait for however long than introduce them too early and lose them. Can you think of any plec or catfish that would be suitable for a 40L?

I have often looked into purchasing a Golden Nugget Pleco but have never had the room. Now I have my fully established Fluval 180 Litre, I may purchase one today. I am on my way to wharf aquatics, and hopefully I can find it cheaper than the £30 it sells for at all of my other local stores..
I have often looked into purchasing a Golden Nugget Pleco but have never had the room. Now I have my fully established Fluval 180 Litre, I may purchase one today. I am on my way to wharf aquatics, and hopefully I can find it cheaper than the £30 it sells for at all of my other local stores..

The ones that are in my LFS are about £22 each which I didn't think was too bad. Can we see a piccy when you get him home :)
I have often looked into purchasing a Golden Nugget Pleco but have never had the room. Now I have my fully established Fluval 180 Litre, I may purchase one today. I am on my way to wharf aquatics, and hopefully I can find it cheaper than the £30 it sells for at all of my other local stores..

The ones that are in my LFS are about £22 each which I didn't think was too bad. Can we see a piccy when you get him home :)

Definately, but I won't be buying one unless the price is lower than around £25, I have never paid more than £15 for a fish before, although I did nearly buy a leopard catfish for £45 (6 inches), and I really regret not doing so - it was such a beautiful fish, but I haven't seen one since. :(

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