Golden Nugget Plec And Black Ghost Knifefish Together?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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i have lots of hiding places in my tank, it is currently stocked with a 2 inch golden nugget plec and 3 pipefish, would it be ok to put in a black ghost knifefish?
Can we have tank dimensions/gallonage? If its the 8g in your signature, you're already well overstocked and you need a biiiig tank for a BGK ;)

Oops just seen the second part of your signature - sorry about that. Even so, you have to realise your gold nugget might get to 16", so while he's ok as a baby in there, you're going to have to upgrade to a much bigger tank as he grows, and there's no way a BGK could stay in a Rekord 96, I'm afraid :( I dont know anything about pipefish though.
regarding as to whether they will get on or not. I hold several small and large plecs in a tank with a bgk fish and never had a problem.

With regards to your tank though, it is far too small to hold a bgk fish. Although others will have differing experiences and opinions I can say that my bgk fish grew from a 3" fish into a 12" fish in 12 months and it's still growing, although it has slowed down somewhat.

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