Golden Nugger Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
I just bought a golden nugget pleco a few days ago and now I can't find him. Do they bury themselves under gravel? That seems like the only other place it could be.
how big is the pleco? how big is your tank?

do you have any rocks, or cave like areas?

maybe pics of your tank could help
It's small. Probably 1 1/2 - 2 inches. I have a cave and driftwood but I pulled them up and he wasn't wasn't under them. Everything else is gravel substrate.

I'll try to get some pictures.
My mother bought a pair of small plecos, 1 1/2"-ish, they dissappeared for about 3 weeks, then suddenly they came out and ate up all the alge in like 3 days :lol:
check behind your filter mine loves to go back there

it could be anywhere dont panic, if u still can't find him by tommorrow, then maybe a 100% water change is due to take everything out and find him

which you probably want to find him because around here golden nuggets go for like 30-40$

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