Golden Molly: Left Fin Became White And Not Moving


New Member
Jun 7, 2011
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I bought a new aquarium 10 days ago (60 lt)

5 days ago, I bought 2 new golden mollies (female, male)
and Yesterday I added from my old aquarium 2 gappies (2 months old)

I transfered also 2 apple snails and 2 dwarf frogs.

Suddely,Today the female mollys left fin turned white and is not moving anymore (the fin)

Molly is floating bellow the surface not swimming.

Only the right fin is moving.

Can you please help me ?

(picture attached)

Konstantin Tzovanis

Athens, Greece


  • DSC_2182a.jpg
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Hi again,

Molly is dead.

Can somebody help me in order to prevent a potential
large scale infection ?


Konstantin Tzovanis
Welcome to the forum Kotzo.
If I understand correctly, you have 2 gugpies, a molly, 2dwarf frogs and 2 apple snails in a tiny 60 litre tank that is newly set up. You have nearly what would be considered a full stock for your tank but have not allowed the filter to become mature enough to deal with the ammonia production. Very frequent and very large water changes are needed to keep your fish safe. Be sure to use a water conditioner because you will be changing much more water than you will be able to leave standing around to let the chlorine degas from the water.

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