Golden Dojo


Fish Fanatic
Dec 31, 2010
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Hey everyone,
My dojo is not eating like he used to. I moved him tanks and now he barely eats anything and it's making me nervous. The new tank is almost identical to the other one except it's bigger. I have a cave in my new one and he doesn't leave it plants that lines the front of the cave. Any help on what could be wrong would be great.
Thanks ya'll
whats a Dojo?

Never heard of one, it may be a slang name for a fish if you don;t know a different name describe the fish to me and I;ll see if I can help you?

Simon :good:
'Dojo' is another name for the weather loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus.

OP; obvious question, but have you tested all your water parameters? They all ok? What's the size of the new tank, how long has the loach been in there and what other fish are with it?

These fish are very social; you should really try and get at least two more to keep it company if you have the room :)
If you moved it recently, perhaps it's still nervous in its new surroundings.

If it hasn't been eating for a few days, I wouldn't worry too much.
Give it some time and it will prob settle in to its new home in due course.
'Dojo' is another name for the weather loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus.

OP; obvious question, but have you tested all your water parameters? They all ok? What's the size of the new tank, how long has the loach been in there and what other fish are with it?

These fish are very social; you should really try and get at least two more to keep it company if you have the room :)

Yes I tested all the water parameters, I did this before moving him. The new tank is 46 gal he was in a 20 gal, it's about 18 inches longer than my old tank. He has been in a week now I have only seen him out about 3 times during the week. He sits in a cave behind a wall of java moss. I had him in a tank with Jack Dempseys before this tank. He loved it and ruled the tank.
My eight Dojos (10-15cm, will reach ~25cm eventually) spend most of their time burried in the soft sand in my 5-footer in the garage (22C, 3300lph water movement of ~350l of 560l capacity), often under the bogwood features in very uncomfortable positions! Its very rare for me to see any of them doing the crazy loop-the-loop swimming often associated with these guys in changing weather conditions, but there are regularly one or two of them just chilling out in the open, exposed to one or the other filter outlets.

I've just come back in from work (postie) when I fed the fish in the garage as normal, where I reckon most of the Dojos were side by side under the rightmost bogwood "island." My ones love Tetra Prima and Hikari algae wafers as their staple diet, but equally they love the defrosted "tropical quintet" available from Pets at Home (5 packs for £10).

  • I think the best thing you can do for your one in the short term is get him/her some "friends," at least four and ideally close to the size of your current one (but not the end of the world if they are a bit smaller).
  • The tank temperature really needs to be in the 18-22C region most of the year, but the odd seasonal "heatwave" of ~25C or "winter" of ~10C is fine.
  • These guys love current and a filter outlet or powerhead breaking the water surface will help saturate the water with oxygen (main reson for their normal low temp, as hotter water can hold less oxygen, not to mention increase their maetebolism). ~2000lph of water movement should work well in your 46g.
  • Be ready to give these fish a 5-foot plus tank long term, as they should develope into "chunky" ~25cm long fish.

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