Golden Dojo/weather Loach


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
How large do golden dojo (golden weather loaches) get?

I’ve seen the brown speckled ones recommended as 12” ish and the golden ones at 8” is this correct or do they actually get to the same size?

Also are they ok with smaller tank mates, i.e. something like a white cloud mountain minnow?

I’m just fancying a bit of a tank move around and fancy moving my dojos to a different tank and possibly getting a few smaller tank mates, not sure what yet, I just know the WCMM are small in size lol.
How large do golden dojo (golden weather loaches) get?

I've seen the brown speckled ones recommended as 12" ish and the golden ones at 8" is this correct or do they actually get to the same size?

Also are they ok with smaller tank mates, i.e. something like a white cloud mountain minnow?

I'm just fancying a bit of a tank move around and fancy moving my dojos to a different tank and possibly getting a few smaller tank mates, not sure what yet, I just know the WCMM are small in size lol.
I think all colour morphs reach the same sort of size, around 25cm SL, with my eight (because they are very social) having just reached over half-size in the last month or so (biggest is ~15cm SL with a body thickness of ~1+cm).

From their peaceful reputation, they may well be absolutely fine with WCMM, but I've got mine with nothing smaller than a young Chaetostoma L444 (5cm SL).

If you fancied something a little bigger, active and lots of colour, you could do a lot worse than a group of Odessa Barbs (one male per two or three females in a 6+ group) or Red Shiners in a ~20C setup.
I have 2 and they are about the 15cm mark, maybe a little smaller, they wiggle too much to estimate their size lol.

A few LFS have had tiny ones in and I was so tempted to get a tiny one at the weekend; it was a golden one again but it's body was white and it's head bright yellow/orange. I might see if it's still there this weekend :)

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