Golden Betta


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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I was really good today..went into maidenhead aquatics...told bloke one of his angel fish was stuck under glass divider.. he said..I have moved it about 10 times today...another young bloke went to him then and moaned at him..they had about 4 lady bettas...and 3 male..2 nearly dead and one lively..and one yellow betta...I looked at fin was missing..really tatty..when it turned round it had a lump on its side..I walked away from it...I have bought so many lately like that..and they have died on me...sorry little betta! :no:
It's always sad to see them suffering in stores. I hate it. I've had to get tough on myself for taking them home to 'save them.' I hate to turn my back but I really have no more room for anymore hopeless cases. :-(
I asked the LFS guys if I could take this one home that they put in with nippers. His poor little tail got eaten off. They had another one they had in that tank earlier but I think it died. The guy who tends the tanks gets downright mad at me but he's the one who put the 2nd betta in there when the 1st one got chewed up!! Duh! The guy told me to give it a few days to see if it died or not. Geez. I said it might die if I DON'T take it home. I don't get it. I don't people get Bettas, Liz and that's the way it is.
I think all pet stores are horrible at taking care of their bettas.. I always see dead bettas in those little cups they keep them in. :( The last shop I went to I saw at least 5 dead bettas. :-(
Most fish places are ok round here...the aquatic ones...but my local lfs are not good....I gave up getting tropicals from there years ago...there is one really good place round here but they never have bettas! Almost got a heater going spare though! I would like to get a bank of those wilko £4.99 tanks. 2 of my boys are in glass bowls and they are perfectly happy but you cant see them properly. Gotta go to work! :(

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