Golden Apple Snails Everywhere..

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Did not even know my Apples laid eggs until this morning when I saw (almost) thousands of yellow dots all over the ornaments and front glass of my show tank in the lounge....

I inspected and found 4 clusters of eggs on the underside of the glass cover, it seems that all 4 batches decided to hatch at the same time.

What I consider to be threats for these tiny snails are;.... a Huge pleco (he won't even realise that he swallows them) 5 Discus... a Coupla large Angels... 6 Kribensis.... 4 large Kissing Gouramis....& the rest of the fish I'm not worried about..... (and of course, vacuming the gravel is out of the question for at least 2 months)

Do you think my snails will get eaten by any of those fish..... If I have to remove them to a fry tank in the garage, it's gonna take me a month of Sundays to doas there are many & the are camouflaged by the gravel.
I'm personally bumpin this one, cause I slowly see my baby snails digressing in numbers..... Who could be the culprit out of the batch, (of fish) & how do I transfer them.... They cling so tightly, they cannot be syphoned, & they're too delicate to handle???
I'm personally bumpin this one, cause I slowly see my baby snails digressing in numbers..... Who could be the culprit out of the batch, (of fish) & how do I transfer them.... They cling so tightly, they cannot be syphoned, & they're too delicate to handle???

Afraid i can't help, but I am wondering if you will be selling any?
Agreed, let them sort them selves out, if you do that only the fittest will be left in your tank.

as for your fish, i would imagine all of them are a little bit guilty.

if you do feel you want to remove them then leaving a piece of cucumber in the tank attracts snails which you can then lift out
I'm personally bumpin this one, cause I slowly see my baby snails digressing in numbers..... Who could be the culprit out of the batch, (of fish) & how do I transfer them.... They cling so tightly, they cannot be syphoned, & they're too delicate to handle???

Afraid i can't help, but I am wondering if you will be selling any?

I'll give 'em away if you'll collect (he he).... I already have hundreds big ones outside.
I've got 5 clutches of eggs and three have started to hatch, like you mine are in a comunity tank. I have left mine as some will probably go down into the gravel. When they are big enough I plan to give some to friends and peeps who are interested on this forum, the rest I plan to sell. All proceeds to go towards a larger aquarium. I think you will loose far more if you tried to move any. Let Mother Nature take her course and I bet we'll be shocked how many actually make it. Keep us updated. :good:
Get a large piece of vegetable or leafy green and leave it in the tank overnight. You should be able to collect many of them by just picking up the leaf or veggie in the morning and transporting it to another tank.
Get a large piece of vegetable or leafy green and leave it in the tank overnight. You should be able to collect many of them by just picking up the leaf or veggie in the morning and transporting it to another tank.

I'm personally bumpin this one, cause I slowly see my baby snails digressing in numbers..... Who could be the culprit out of the batch, (of fish) & how do I transfer them.... They cling so tightly, they cannot be syphoned, & they're too delicate to handle???

Afraid i can't help, but I am wondering if you will be selling any?

I'll give 'em away if you'll collect (he he).... I already have hundreds big ones outside.

Hm, id love to do the trip, think customs might have something to say about bringing live creatures back though. <- lesson learnt about reading everything first though

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