Golden Apple Snail Eggs?

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Good Afternoon Everyone

Right, i've literally just gone to do a water change on one my tropical community tanks and lifted the lid to see.... really digusting clusters of white things, definatley eggs of some sort! There are two clusters, one on the light itself (this must be very hot for them!) and the other is slighty off the light unit.
Seeing as they are out of the tank water I instantly assume it's my two golden apple snails who have done the dirty! I have just typed 'golden apple snail eggs' into Google Images, and all the pictures show them to be red... mine are white? It also says that there incubation period is 7-14 days... they weren't there last week when I did a water change?
I just wandered if anyone had any experience on the breeding of golden apple snails.. are they dead eggs? Do they turn red? So many questions!

Any help is very very much appreciated. Right.. on with the water change!


P.S. I did try to take some pictures but none came out very well.
Good Afternoon Everyone

Right, i've literally just gone to do a water change on one my tropical community tanks and lifted the lid to see.... really digusting clusters of white things, definatley eggs of some sort! There are two clusters, one on the light itself (this must be very hot for them!) and the other is slighty off the light unit.
Seeing as they are out of the tank water I instantly assume it's my two golden apple snails who have done the dirty! I have just typed 'golden apple snail eggs' into Google Images, and all the pictures show them to be red... mine are white? It also says that there incubation period is 7-14 days... they weren't there last week when I did a water change?
I just wandered if anyone had any experience on the breeding of golden apple snails.. are they dead eggs? Do they turn red? So many questions!

Any help is very very much appreciated. Right.. on with the water change!


P.S. I did try to take some pictures but none came out very well.

Those definitely sound like apple snails eggs. They need to lay their eggs out of the water but in a moist place. Some of my snails lay eggs that are more whitish and some that are more reddish, but most often more of a pale orange. If you want to keep the eggs and have baby apple snails you can just let them sit there - when the eggs hatch the baby snails will just drop off into the tank and begin eating the same stuff their parents do.

If you don't want them just use a napkin or paper tower to wipe the eggs off.

Keep in mind that they will produce an egg clutch of 50-200 snails. You can bet that many of those will die in the first few days, but even with that you are going to have a ton of apple snails, so you'll probably want to make sure you know what you are going to do with them all.

hope that helps,

That's brilliant help thank you Mike.
You've dismissed my biggest fear that they are dead! I think i'll let them hatch which is exciting!
I've got homes for them so fingers crossed i'll get a nice batch.

Thanks so much
That's brilliant help thank you Mike.
You've dismissed my biggest fear that they are dead! I think i'll let them hatch which is exciting!
I've got homes for them so fingers crossed i'll get a nice batch.

Thanks so much

Hey Tim,

Glad you have a place for them to go. Just as sort of a caveat emptor - sometimes the female snail lays infertile eggs (because she never had a male fertilize them). Hopefully that is not the case, but if they don't hatch in a few weeks that will probably be why. All the best!

chances are that the heat from the light fried them, sorry to be blunt but nobody seemed to mention that :/

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