i've made yet another mistake i took the word of the pet shop and bought a golden algae eater (this was before i knew about this site)
i know that hes cool while he is young and that when he grows older he could be a threat to my fishes sides and eyeball but i kinda like watching him. but now hes changing colour from a golden colour to a blackish grey colour on his sides. Is this normal? I try to make sure that hes eating ok and have bought some algae wafers but i would like to know more about the care of gae and if he has a problem? Please could anyone help?
New fish keeper!
i know that hes cool while he is young and that when he grows older he could be a threat to my fishes sides and eyeball but i kinda like watching him. but now hes changing colour from a golden colour to a blackish grey colour on his sides. Is this normal? I try to make sure that hes eating ok and have bought some algae wafers but i would like to know more about the care of gae and if he has a problem? Please could anyone help?
New fish keeper!