A lot of you probably already know about my axolotl that my mum surprised me with earlier in the year... At that time he was only about 3-4". He has now been confirmed as a healthy male golden albino. He is about 6" now and his gills are in amazing shape, large and frilly. I just have a few questions about his feeding. He get's fed every 2 days so that he grows at a normal rate and doesn't become obese. This is his rota at the minute.
Monday - 2 frozen bloodworm cubes.
Wednesday - 5-6 juvenile guppies from my very own tank(after the fish have had a cube of frozen bloodworms)
Friday - 2 frozen bloodworm cubes.
Sunday - Some small crickets or mealworms with 1 waxworm(chopped as the ones my mum get's are a little too big for him whole)
What else could I add so I can vary his diet? What about boiled peas that have been left to cool down and have been chopped? Obviously if I can feed him peas I will take the shells off them first.
Monday - 2 frozen bloodworm cubes.
Wednesday - 5-6 juvenile guppies from my very own tank(after the fish have had a cube of frozen bloodworms)
Friday - 2 frozen bloodworm cubes.
Sunday - Some small crickets or mealworms with 1 waxworm(chopped as the ones my mum get's are a little too big for him whole)
What else could I add so I can vary his diet? What about boiled peas that have been left to cool down and have been chopped? Obviously if I can feed him peas I will take the shells off them first.