Golden Albino Axolotl.


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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A lot of you probably already know about my axolotl that my mum surprised me with earlier in the year... At that time he was only about 3-4". He has now been confirmed as a healthy male golden albino. He is about 6" now and his gills are in amazing shape, large and frilly. I just have a few questions about his feeding. He get's fed every 2 days so that he grows at a normal rate and doesn't become obese. This is his rota at the minute.
Monday - 2 frozen bloodworm cubes.
Wednesday - 5-6 juvenile guppies from my very own tank(after the fish have had a cube of frozen bloodworms)
Friday - 2 frozen bloodworm cubes.
Sunday - Some small crickets or mealworms with 1 waxworm(chopped as the ones my mum get's are a little too big for him whole)

What else could I add so I can vary his diet? What about boiled peas that have been left to cool down and have been chopped? Obviously if I can feed him peas I will take the shells off them first.

the guppies will carry no nutritional value. if you must feed it live fish then its best to gut load them first with lots of food.
the guppies will carry no nutritional value. if you must feed it live fish then its best to gut load them first with lots of food.

My fish get fed everyday, twice a day. They are always very lively and I feed them to Alex(the axolotl) straight after they have finished eating.

the guppies will carry no nutritional value. if you must feed it live fish then its best to gut load them first with lots of food.

My fish get fed everyday, twice a day. They are always very lively and I feed them to Alex(the axolotl) straight after they have finished eating.

gut loading a fish means really giving it lots and lots to eat, much more than a normal feeding. the food inside the fish will be the nutritional value of the meal and not so much the fish itself.

im not sure but is fish food a good food for axolotls?
the guppies will carry no nutritional value. if you must feed it live fish then its best to gut load them first with lots of food.

My fish get fed everyday, twice a day. They are always very lively and I feed them to Alex(the axolotl) straight after they have finished eating.

gut loading a fish means really giving it lots and lots to eat, much more than a normal feeding. the food inside the fish will be the nutritional value of the meal and not so much the fish itself.

im not sure but is fish food a good food for axolotls?

I feed the guppies to the axolotl the day they get a cube of bloodworm so their stomachs are really full and bulging. I should have mentioned that in my last post shouldn't I? Does anyone have any idea what else I could feed it?

Alex now has fresh clean tap water..... that's de-chlorinated! Got 2 lot's of de-chlorinator today.

Alex now has fresh clean tap water..... that's de-chlorinated! Got 2 lot's of de-chlorinator today.


Good idea to use dechylorinator as axolotls are very sensitive to chemicals in water.They also need good filtration to keep water clean and weekly water changes.

My axolotl loves small live earthworms from my organic compost bin and eats chopped up slugs too. Also feed him freeze dried bloodworm and JMC catfish pellets. When it's too cold/wet to go out in garden for worms I feed him frozen crabsticks (defrosted and thinly sliced into bite sized chunks)1 crabstick lasts me a week, plus pellets.You can try tiny pieces of white fish like cod too, better than guppies.
PS:Mine is a pink leusitic and he's called Alex too!

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