Gold Spotted Shrimp


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hey everyone,

I purchased two Gold Spotted Shrimp today and wanted to know some more info about them, I have done a quick Google search but not much comes up so does anyone know much about them? here is a picture of one of them.

Just off the top of my head it looks like it will be in the Palaemonid family, a less blurred photo will help with identifying. I know if its anything like one of the types of shrimp I have then it will not stay still for long, but food usually helps make them stay put for a but, especially something like bloodworms.

You might find something on this link

Or find a way of contacting the person who has copy right on all the pics and ask them if they know of the shrimp. I am guessing that the nmae you where given was just a selling name, possibly even just one somebody made up to make the shrimp sound more excotic.
Hi, thanks for the reply :good:

That is the best pic I could get because my camera is not the best and as you have said they hardly stay still at all. Lovely looking shrimp so I just hope they get on well in my tank.
The shrimp actually looks very similar to a shrimp I got from North Queensland but is pretty wide spread through the Indo-Pacific.

Here are some pics of my large female that no one has accurately been able to identify.


I will have to find the other photos of them later that show off the under swimmer leg area that had a weird light under LED light. As these shrimp matured they lost the black and white dots on their tails and backs.
Really cool looking shrimp! I know nothing about them, but I would love to know more :drool: :hyper:

The shrimp actually looks very similar to a shrimp I got from North Queensland but is pretty wide spread through the Indo-Pacific.

Here are some pics of my large female that no one has accurately been able to identify.


I will have to find the other photos of them later that show off the under swimmer leg area that had a weird light under LED light. As these shrimp matured they lost the black and white dots on their tails and backs.

Love that first can see it's Digestive Tract/Nervous system (not sure which, my biology fails me!).
I am thinking I should ask the very nice person who supplied these shrimp to me if they feel like risking their live becoming croc bait and try to get me some more. Even though it is a large shrimp it pretty much leaves my fish, fry and even other shrimp alone. They are an off putting shrimp because they will often hover in the tank staring at you while you are observing them :huh: . Really makes you feel like its an alian collecting its data on the human race :lol: .
First pic looks like Sri lankan dwarf shrimp. Very interesting shrimp that love to swim about all day.

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