Gold Severums


Fish Crazy
Jun 21, 2008
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Barry, South Wales
I accumulated three gold severums and I only have a 20g tank so I am frantically trying to find a bigger tank for them. They seem to be ok, only very very timid. Is this normal?

There are rocks and an ornament and some plants and they can hide fine. I have only had them two days and they still haven't eaten. They are really really timid and only come out of hiding if I leave the room for 30 mins plus.

So, firstly, I know theyre in too small a tank but my lfs wont take them so my only option is to keep them and get a bigger tank. What is the minimum tank size? two are just over 2 inches and one is about 4 inches.

Secondly, I dont know much about this fish so am doing research, but what shall I feed them? I have tried flakes but they wont come out of hiding for it.

Lastly, if anyone close to me has a large (eg not humongous but big enough for the above) for sale, please let me know.
well sevs can reach atleast 12", and since they are territorial, I would go for atleast a 90G US... and thats if all the fish get along... if one is extra aggressive or territorial, then your going to need a bigger tank. You need to get this tank ASAP as well... at 4" the one sev is prob bullying the other two...

For food, as you've noticed... flake is not one of their favs... they are omnivorous but prefer a more meaty diet of mysis shrimp, krill, bloodworm. Also, cichlid pellets will be taken along with shelled peas (helps with digestion). If you have only had them two days, then they are still adjusting... if it gets to a week and they still havent eaten.. then there's problems. Is the tank in a high traffic area? If yes, might be advantageous to try turning out the lights and maybe even covering the tank with a blanket so they can't see everything on the outside of the tank.... then they can explore the new tank and not feel so alien.

Is the tank cycled? Because if not... they will not do well....

Ox :good:
hey, It is cycled yes and the bigger one wasnt bullying, infact they were very sweet and hiding together.. safety in numbers so to speak.

I looked everywhere for a tank I could afford but to no avail but I did find a store that would take them and it was maidenhead aquatics that are pretty good so I think theyll goto a good home.

So yeh, theyre gone. Sadly. I grew very fond of them!
well Im glad you did the right thing. Alot of people wouldnt care enough about the fish to give them up. Hopefully somebody will give them good home.

Ox :good:

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