Gold Severum With Swollen Belly


New Member
Jul 25, 2014
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My gold severum has a swollen belly that happend overnight. His/her body just became so big It looked like it could explode. Im worried for the fish because its not eating and breathes really fast. He/she swims fine but with a slight tilt when it swims upwards. It was fine before it became swollen. Any help would be appreciated.
What size tank is it in? what size is the severum? what foods has it been eating? and how long have you had it?
It could be constipation or bloat, with the heavy breathing do a large water change, at least 50% see if the breathing improves. Tilting can be a sign of a bacterial infection.
I feed the fish dry flakes everyday and bloodworm once a week there is live plants in the tank as well and I have had the severum for about three years, i noticed today one side is more larger than the other. The tank size im pretty sure was 50 gallons. I did a water change, breathing problems still the same. The filter is working fine.[/quote]
A pic of the fish, and I have had the severum for about three years, i noticed today one side is more larger than the other. The tank size im pretty sure was 50 gallons. I did a water change, breathing problems still the same. The filter is working fine.
If one side of his body is larger than the other, then I am afraid it sounds like a tumour, bloat or constipation would be both sides. Examining a lump on a fish is pretty difficult unless it does allow you to touch it. If he/she is breathing heavy I wouldnt recommend you netting it to check, there is no point causing the fish additional stress. 
You could try small daily water changes 15-20% for a week see if there is any improvement in the breathing, you could try and add more air to the tank also,  but if it is a tumour you may have to euthanise him/her. Sorry :(

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