Gold Rams


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
I got a pair of gold rams yesterday, they seem to be doing good so far, eating well and such but I had a few questions

1. I have a bit of a snail problem, MTS crawling all over everything, but I noticed since the rams got here they peck at them and now they are no longer on the glass or the rocks that they used to be all over. Do the rams eat them? Or do they just mess with them because they are moving around.

2. It's a 20g with 6 black neons, two glowlight danios and two gold rams... I know I want to add a few more black neons. Can I add a pair of Bolivian Rams as well or would that be too much?

3. I think I might have gotten either two females or two males, Is that really bad? or will they be ok together? They look exactly alike except one is a bit bigger than the other.

Thanks in advance for any help!
the rams don't normally eat snails but will try. They could eat the smallest one but the big ones are probably just hiding.

if you add a pr of bolivian butterfly cichlids to the tank there might be conflicts between them and the rams. A bigger tank would be ok but your tank would be borderline.
You should add some more danios because they need to be in groups. And you could probably add a couple more black neons as long as the water quality is ok.

It is preferable to keep rams in prs rather than have two of the same sex. Female rams get a pink belly and males get longer more pointed fins, particularly the dorsal fin.
Thank you for the reply, I am just going to get a few more danios and a few more tetras!

They look like they aren't eating, The rams, go after the food, inhale it the spit it out in bits, I am still just using the flake food that I have been feeding the tetras.

Should I get a special food for the rams? Which one would be the best?
most rams ignore flake food initially. You can try them on frozen foods like bloodworms, brineshrimp & marine mix (prawn fish and squid).
yeah I tried freeze dried blood worms the big ones seems to be taking the but the small one keeps spitting them out. I will see what my lfs has tomorrow

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