I have a gold Ram that is hanging at the top of the tank. See video. He seems to be breathing heavy too although no other fish is acting like that.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Last water change 3 days ago, another this evening or tomorrow
I recently had a pristine looking female cherry barb die out of the blue. Worries me. I add a tiny bit of GH & KH boost, but GH is 3 and KH was 4. I keep the Ph at 6.6 (regulated w controller and CO2).
Only other unusual thing- I moved an apistograma Cacatuoides in from a tank that was too small. Today I moved a Swordtail out. He picked on the Apisto and shouldn't be in here anyway.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Last water change 3 days ago, another this evening or tomorrow
I recently had a pristine looking female cherry barb die out of the blue. Worries me. I add a tiny bit of GH & KH boost, but GH is 3 and KH was 4. I keep the Ph at 6.6 (regulated w controller and CO2).
Only other unusual thing- I moved an apistograma Cacatuoides in from a tank that was too small. Today I moved a Swordtail out. He picked on the Apisto and shouldn't be in here anyway.