Mostly New Member
Well, its me again...
I got a gold nugget pleco yesterday. I did all my research, foods, tank mates, tank size, etc.
Anyways, i bought one from my lfs yesterday for 59.99 and I made sure to acclimate it very cautiously, and i checked my water stats. ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10
PH: 7.2
gkh: 4
Tankmates: 3 skunk cories and 3 angelfish (mine are 2-3 inches long right now)
Tank size: 40 or 45 gallons... Im not sure. It is 36 inches long, 18 inches wide and 16 inches tall
Plants: Planted tank with one anubias, one anubias nanus, 2 java fern (happy to say they have propagated) and some assorted plants that i don't know the name of. I also have one amazon sword, and a plant i forgot the name of...
Decor: One giant hunk of driftwood, one rock.
I woke up, fed my fish, and noticed he was just kind of sitting there doing nothing so i poked him with my finger and he just fell of the side of the glass and was dead. I checked his body for injuries or signs of disease and he had a white layer over both his eyes and nostrils. His stomach was full, not con caved and he had what almost looked like a bruise on his stomach.
The day i got him i brought him home from the fish store (they are a reputable place called Aquarium city) i acclimated him for about 1 hour, turned off the lights in my aquarium, let him be for around 3 hours, fed my fish, and then turned off the lights again because it was late at night. All the while he was sitting on the glass right behind the pump of my 45gal hang on back filter. It is normal for fish to be stressed while moving from home to home so i just let him be.
Next morning i wake up and he is dead as rock.
(YES i do know how big angelfish get and how they are semi-aggresive)
(p.s. all of my other fish are normal)
I got a gold nugget pleco yesterday. I did all my research, foods, tank mates, tank size, etc.
Anyways, i bought one from my lfs yesterday for 59.99 and I made sure to acclimate it very cautiously, and i checked my water stats. ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10
PH: 7.2
gkh: 4
Tankmates: 3 skunk cories and 3 angelfish (mine are 2-3 inches long right now)
Tank size: 40 or 45 gallons... Im not sure. It is 36 inches long, 18 inches wide and 16 inches tall
Plants: Planted tank with one anubias, one anubias nanus, 2 java fern (happy to say they have propagated) and some assorted plants that i don't know the name of. I also have one amazon sword, and a plant i forgot the name of...
Decor: One giant hunk of driftwood, one rock.
I woke up, fed my fish, and noticed he was just kind of sitting there doing nothing so i poked him with my finger and he just fell of the side of the glass and was dead. I checked his body for injuries or signs of disease and he had a white layer over both his eyes and nostrils. His stomach was full, not con caved and he had what almost looked like a bruise on his stomach.
The day i got him i brought him home from the fish store (they are a reputable place called Aquarium city) i acclimated him for about 1 hour, turned off the lights in my aquarium, let him be for around 3 hours, fed my fish, and then turned off the lights again because it was late at night. All the while he was sitting on the glass right behind the pump of my 45gal hang on back filter. It is normal for fish to be stressed while moving from home to home so i just let him be.
Next morning i wake up and he is dead as rock.
(YES i do know how big angelfish get and how they are semi-aggresive)
(p.s. all of my other fish are normal)