Gold(en) Barbs


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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I've read (though I don't know how reliable the resources are) that Gold Barbs are one of the more humble members of the barb family. (I also know that this is entirely dependent on the fish also.) However, my experience has proved other wise. I've had these fish for over a year now, and I figured that they've pretty much hit their prime in adulthood (being about almost 3 inches in length and have ceased growing much). There are 4 in 10 gallon tank. (Yes, yes, I know that they're squished in there...they will have a new home soon.) =) This brings me to my question. What are some other fish that would potentially be good tankmates? I've tried introducing a Chinese Algea Eater (which they were previously with till he died) and they killed the newer one I bought. So I figured a pleco might be good because they're tougher scaled...they also killed that. So...I tried another pleco...a big one, at least 6 inches...thinking that there is no way in heck they would accomplish hurting him. I was wrong again. Perhaps with a bigger tank they won't be so harsh? Or is it better to just leave them alone because they're used to only having each other around? I really don't want to put anything else with them if there is a more than likely chance that they'll just pick on it. Thank you much.
I've always found "Golden" barbs to be very placid. Never hurt anything. Got a picture of them?
ayla, are you sure it's your barbs that are killing the Plecs?

I have a 6" Plec in with Tiger Barbs and Rosy Barbs and my Plec kicks their a** if they pester him. I even have tiny little Borneo suckers in there too and they're still in one piece.

But like you say, it depends on individual fish. My brother has a Glowlight Tetra that terrorises his male Betta.

Maybe a bigger tank will pacify them a little.
We have 5 golden barbs and they are fine, placid, peaceful fish. No-one ever troubles them and they trouble no-one. One has always been bigger than his other 4 mates by quite a bit but even he/she isnt a bully at all.

How do you sex them by the way? (or am I poaching your link) ;)

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